MCFC Tattoo

Trouble with tattoos is you cant get rid of them

When I lived in Scotland I had Inverness Caledonian Thistle Association Football Club tattoed on my cock other...regret it now.
BillyMC said:
Trouble with tattoos is you cant get rid of them

When I lived in Scotland I had Inverness Caledonian Thistle Association Football Club tattoed on my cock other...regret it now.

Went to Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch once and loved it so much had that put on mine. Reads Long when I'm limp though!
not my fault! said:
I have 9 in total and a half sleeve on it's way (once I can get the £500 together!) I have one on each inside ankle and they hurt like fuck. One on each pelvis bone above my hips and they hurt like fuck too, also one on my lower back, one on my upper between my shoulders. One on my right upper arm, one on the back of my right lower arm. I also have Carpe Diem wrote on my forearm of my left side. Think thats it? I wouldnt say they "hurt" more like when you have really bad sunburn? Very itchy and sore rather than pain. The weird thing is it only hurt's while the needle is going on your skin, the second they stop the disscomfort does too. The problems lies with them having to stop every few mins to ink up again, if this wasnt the case the are would numb after 5mins and you wouldnt feel the "pain" at all. Everyone will tell you different but thats the best way I can think of explaining it.
One word of advice though, if your getting a football related Tattoo think about where it's going, what job you want to do etc etc, for example I know the Police now frown on footy tatts in open view (lower arms etc as they have short sleeve tops now). Also at away games if it's on show or in the pub on a quiet night out with the other half.... Just think about it.
This is one of the first things that crossed my mind, hence why I decided to look for a Blue Moon one rather than a crest. Admittedly, this one does have MCFC on it, but I was thinking about making that as small as the black text rather than the same size as the "Blue Moon" bit so it's less noticable.
Otherwise, it's not so much of a problem here. In Sweden they all seem to support Spanish teams (Barca, Madrid etc) or Swedish teams, and concerning future plans, I don't think it's really that big an issue, but again, I shall keep all you said in mind :)
BillyMC said:
Trouble with tattoos is you cant get rid of them

When I lived in Scotland I had Inverness Caledonian Thistle Association Football Club tattoed on my cock other...regret it now.

I'm just glad i was born in the Cardiff suburb of Ely........
A guy i know went to the place next to county's ground, apparently they dont mind how old you are, well, 16+ anyway, an he's got one of the crest stars on his wrist, with superlia in prolio down his arm, an it looks pretty damn good, hurts a little bit apparently, takes about a week to scab but then its fine, an his looks pretty classy tbf.
S.E.H said:
A guy i know went to the place next to county's ground, apparently they dont mind how old you are, well, 16+ anyway, an he's got one of the crest stars on his wrist, with superlia in prolio down his arm, an it looks pretty damn good, hurts a little bit apparently, takes about a week to scab but then its fine, an his looks pretty classy tbf.
I thought about having "MF" on one wrist and "FC" on the other but I disregarded it for 2 reasons;
1. Thought it might kill like fuck.
2. Thought it might sound a bit naff.
leiservampir said:
S.E.H said:
A guy i know went to the place next to county's ground, apparently they dont mind how old you are, well, 16+ anyway, an he's got one of the crest stars on his wrist, with superlia in prolio down his arm, an it looks pretty damn good, hurts a little bit apparently, takes about a week to scab but then its fine, an his looks pretty classy tbf.
I thought about having "MF" on one wrist and "FC" on the other but I disregarded it for 2 reasons;
1. Thought it might kill like fuck.
2. Thought it might sound a bit naff.

Who are MFFC?
Are they any good?
blue remix said:
leiservampir said:
I thought about having "MF" on one wrist and "FC" on the other but I disregarded it for 2 reasons;
1. Thought it might kill like fuck.
2. Thought it might sound a bit naff.

Who are MFFC?
Are they any good?
Honestly that tatoo is horrible. I know it is City and all but I wouldn't get a line of lyrics if I were you! Also definately wait until you are older! Feel like I'm talking to my brother because he also wants one! Atleast wait until your 18 mate then decide! IF you do want to get a tatoo make sure that you have a good proffesional and ask to see some of their works. Furthermore make sure it is something you are going to love and not just like temporarily! Lastly make sure a few mates see what kind of TaT you want, or else you could get one, your mates think it's crap and then you start to dislike it!
leiservampir said:
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but I assumed it should go here and not off topic as it has something to do with City. Feel free to move it mods.
I'm thinking of getting one when I turn 17 (Which is almost a year away, I know, but who gives?) and as I'm pretty fucking scared of needles I have to decide whether to do it or not now.
I'm one of those people that decides something and then follows through no matter what, so the sooner I decide the better.

I found this on Photobucket and love it to bits. A few times I've had to restrain myself drawing it on my arm in pen to see what it'd look like:


The problem is, being underage at the moment and therefore not having any pervious tattoos, I have no clue how much it'll hurt or any of the technical details and shit that one might need to know.
I gathered some of you lot'd have tattoos, and I'm hoping you'll tell me the truth (Especially about the pain aspect) as my family, not wanting me to get it done particularly, say it's going to hurt like hell blah blah blah, the usual shit you say to make things seem worse than they are, so if any of you could fill me in, I'd owe you one :D

Abs x

the forearm there isnt the most painful place, but dont let any hard men kid you, itll still hurt to a certain extent! if you think of the needles you have a school, that first 'little prick' well its that feeling constantly!

Also i feel it makes a big diff weather you are a girl or a boy as too what tattoo you should get. oh and girls have a higher pain threshold so it hurts them less! FACT

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