MCFC V MUFC, Sunday 9th December In match discussion

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zeven said:
Bellamyend said:
Mancini has no idea how to shape a team - players not at fault

still fancy us to score more than once tho
You tell me how this i not the teams fault? are you kidding me?
Team is never at fault, its always manager. You cant change the team, but you can always change the manager.
Airbags Optional said:
How we are 2 down I have no idea... But worryingly we don't seem to look like scoring :-(

You have no idea but then add we don't look like scoring.The only bit you missed out was they do look like scoring when they have the ball because 1) they move it quicker 2) they have better movement 3) we don't get as many players back into defensive positions 4) their first touch when it matters is slightly better.

We have to up our game massively or get a lucky break or 2
I've seen 2-3 occasions with RvP running into the box unmarked on the left wing. Our midfielders are sitting to far forward and its nearly 1-on-1 for each of their counter attacks. Nasri has been on holiday every time we lose the ball.

Mancini better work his magic. Losing at home to United will kill us off I'm afraid. Its early only about 1/2 way through the season, but this will damage our confidence at home... which is our saving grace.
Renton said:
NipHolmes said:
Renton said:
Im off to keep that rag under the bridge company...seriously the fuck are we 2 down?
Careless mistakes mate.

Rooney for all his faults is a great poacher. He reads the game well and looks for space nd his finishes were clinical.

Were the better team but its not translating into chances. Playing Yaya, Nasri and Silva was suicide. Milner (shame not fit) would have been great alongside Barry. We need to win midfield back and push them deep.
talking sense in the matchday thread?...when the match in question is against the rags?...fuck me..seen it all now ;0)

Composure mate. Had Pacman showed some this morning he wouldnt have been knocked out ;)

It's obvious where I am, let's hope Mancini sees it the same. I'm disgusted with how easily I read this game and how obvious our weaknesses are. We are easy to telegraph and defend against, far to easy for the side we have.

Gutting, fuck it, I can't watch Redknapp gloat. Getting a bottle from the shop, Tyskie it is.
i♥city! said:
This is what happens when you leave players like Kolo and Lescott to rot on the bench for weeks and then throw them in to play in a title decider .

Oh! didnt realise the trophy was awarded today.
tevez for nasri by 55 if not half

balo been good and inventive, just overhitting his passes a bit. aguero not up to his high standards
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