Meanwhile Over on Red cafe

hilts said:
Optimus Prime said:
Its very easy for us to say this given the huge amount of Premier League Clubs in the North West though. I think its difficult for us to envisage not supporting our local team, because we're essentially spolied by the quality of the teams in our region.

We've got City, the Rags, Liverpool, Everton, Blackburn, Bolton, Wigan, Blackpool and Stoke in the North West in the Premier League alone, and like it or not, most of the coverage on TV, in the Papers, on the Internet, Radio, etc is all about the Premier League.

Even when we were shit in the late 90s, we still got more coverage than most in the 2nd & 3rd tier at the time because of our name.

I moved down to Bristol 4 years ago, and there is absolutely fook all as far as top level football goes down here - Bristol City are in the Championship, then Bristol Rovers are in League 1, with Yeovil, Plymouth Argyle and Exeter.

The people down here watch the same Telly as us, listen to the same Radio and read the same Papers - they're bound to take an interest in what they're exposed to, so they invariably end up picking a Premier League team arbitrarily.

I'm not for a second saying that makes them the same as local fans who are born into it and brought up living it every day (and to be fair to them, most of them recognise this fact), but I can understand why they support a team that may be in a completely different part of the country to where they live. They hear about it all day, and want to be involved.

i just dont get why anyone from bristol with no ties to manchester would support city? bristol ia a big place if they all supported bristol rovers or city they would be half decent, supporting a team because they are bigger than your local team or more glamorous is a rag supporters attitude, not having a go because if someone from bristol has supported city for 20 years for example they cant have done it for the success, dont get the mind set thats all.

its the ones coming in the future that will change the fabric of the club
...if you read his post he clearly states that he moved down to Bristol 4 years ago !!!
BoundedCascade said:
Im Canadian and only in the past 4 years have I even discovered my enjoyment for Football. I started watching when Sven came along and I really really enjoyed watching City. BEFORE I decided to decide whether or not I would consistently follow them I researched the history of the team and absolutely fell in love. I have watched a lot of old games but it was the 99 playoff final that really made me love City. After learning about the "typical City" that was the utter essence of it and I enjoyed it.

Now I find myself screaming at the top of my lungs when I watch City on the internet. Which is every single time they play. I do not protest to be a supporter like those in England who give their hard earned money to watch the team. I consider it a privilege to follow this club and when I get the financial ability I am going to come and watch a match and stay for as long as I can in England and watch as many matches as I can and really soak in what it means to be a supporter of City.

I truly Envy every last one of you that get to go to the matches and get to be around the club at all times. I envy the fact that you got those moments when you were younger and watching City and growing into your love for them. I wish I had the same chance.

I live for City. I wake up my first thing I do is check on several websites to see if there is any news about City. I want to talk about them all the time. In fact all I ever want is more and more City. I have given up guaranteed sex simply to watch us get trounced 8 - 1 against Middlesbrough. That is just one specific instance but it has happened a lot. Do I regret it? NO! I love this club that much. I never regret watching them, or talking about them, or anything involving them.

So what I live in a different country? I LOVE this club. I dont have the same relationship with the club as you but at the same time I feel that my love for the club is very strong. I hope you can accept a fan like me, and others like me.

Great post mate
Maintainin said:
hilts said:
i just dont get why anyone from bristol with no ties to manchester would support city? bristol ia a big place if they all supported bristol rovers or city they would be half decent, supporting a team because they are bigger than your local team or more glamorous is a rag supporters attitude, not having a go because if someone from bristol has supported city for 20 years for example they cant have done it for the success, dont get the mind set thats all.

its the ones coming in the future that will change the fabric of the club
...if you read his post he clearly states that he moved down to Bristol 4 years ago !!!

Thanks mate!

My post was written based on what I've seen since I've been down here - before moving (for work), I've always lived in Manchester, and consider the City to be my home - irrespective of where I might be living at the moment. I'm a blue because my Dad and family are all blue, as is the case with most of the poeple on here I would think.

Any road - in relation to your post - there really aren't any City fans down here. The odd one or two, but its a rarity.

What I was saying was that, whilst the Rags, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal fans down here aren't the same as those who are born and brought up living and breathing their local Club every day (which most of them will acknowledge if you really push them on it), I can understand why they end up following one of the big clubs - because there is so much coverage of them in all the Media in this country that they are constantly exposed to it, therefore they naturally take an interest in it, and want to be involved.
Of course there are far more of us. I'm a Manc and without telling a lie more than 80% of the people I know are United fans.

Regarding the report I posted from 2001, it only shows ST's of course so isn't totally accurate, however it does show what anyone with a brain already knows.... that a higher percentage of people in Manchester support Manchester United but a higher percentage of Man Citeh fans come from Manchester. Makes total sense, I mean, why the fuck would you support Citeh if you weren't from Manchester?

As posted by someone on Red Cafe.

Seriously, the bolded bit is a pretty piss poor barometer for gauging how many blues and reds there are in Manchester. As a general rule, most City fans will have more blue mates and most United fans will have more red mates. I reckon 80% of the people I know that follow football are City fans just like the above poster says 80% of the people he knows are reds. The difference is that I wouldn't ever dream of claiming that as a true cross-section of Manchester as a whole.

If he really thinks that it's 80-20 in favour of them in Manchester itself then the question needs to be asked about how many of those are what you would deem a true fan and how many are plastics. Now I'm not saying that you have to attend games on any kind of regular basis to be deemed a true fan. Indeed, I know plenty of blues and reds that don't get to matches anymore due to various reasons - financial, work, or family to name but 3. However, I think it's fair to say that there is an army of local plastics that support United that has been getting increasingly bigger ever since they won the Premier League in 1993. IMO you can't class anyone as a true fan if all they ever do is put their United shirt on, watch the game down the pub, have never set foot inside Old Trafford and have no intention of ever doing so. Worse still, are those that claim to support United yet don't even know when they're playing half the fucking time. There are literally shit-loads of these types of "fan" in Manchester and it's important to note that a "plastic" fan isn't necessarily an out-of-towner but can actually be someone that lives practically within spitting distance of the club that they claim to support.

I will add that if City start to get any kind of success on the pitch, we'll start to attract plastics too of course.
I couldn't give a flying piss if Mancs get upset about me supporting City.. the vast majority of people from Manchester I've met are absolute legends and have been nothing but accommodating.
In my local community, when you turned 14/15, you were off down the pub where most of the other residents of the community were. It was great. Everybody was from the same area and class, meaning you could understand and relate to any issue or talking point because everybody had shared similar experiences. It was the hub of the community. That's similar to the way I see City, although on a slightly larger scale.

I don't think it is ever accurate to say that, because somebody grew up in Manchester, they love the club more than someone who grew up in Ottawa. Many people that I know won't be as dedicated as someone who wakes up at 5 in the morning to watch City on the telly. However, I do think that those who grew up around the club, and declared their allegiances to City in bad times, have a greater feeling of what City means to the Manchester community - I don't think you can get that from reading Wikipedia or a Gary James book (no offence Gary).

Obviously, as City expands, more and more people will fall in love with the club. That also means we will get some here who pick and choose when they are a Mancunian. I think there's something exceptionally shallow about that and I take issue with it.

With that said, every person who goes to great lengths to watch City and post about City on a daily basis is part of the community - and I love them for that. As idealistic as it may be, I also think that if you are not from Manchester, you should put something back into your community by supporting your local club and microculture, too. If they have just got going, I would rather you spent your money there than on City; and if everything goes well, they might be like City in another three generations.
RBmk2 said:
All I know is with a few notable exceptions -fuck all of the rags I know go anywhere near the swamp,and never have.

Biggest bully at your kids school?That'll be the rag.
Nobhead with all his mates shouting about the "bertie massif" in the pub?That'll be the rag.
Dickhead at work who gives you shit every Monday morning about having "no history" or "buying success?"That'll be the rag.
Basically-anyone with a total lack of social skills and an affinty to shout the loudest about nothing in particular-that'll be the rag.

They'll wear the Rooney shirt,they'll bask in any success,they'll wear Norwich scarves,they'll like the X Factor winner-but they most certainly won't take the emotional commitment or grief that goes with supporting a team that's shit.
Rags don't do that-hardship or adversity simply isn't written in the script.
Blending in with the minimum investment of your time or energy,but maximum reflection on your apparent "success" in life is the order of the day.

A glance at the result....
"Giggs scored,we won again,my day is made.I feel good about my life choice now.I am resistant to banter,as I can call fans of other clubs "bitter" if they suggest that my team or club are deficient in any way.I don't have to be clever,witty or indulge in banter.My choice is the right one.It's one thing in my life I don't need to justify,reflect on or think about."

Fuck the lot of the spineless,characterless,bland twats that inhabit the rat infested shithole.
76,000 relpicant aliens from "the bodysnatchers."

Describes every rag i know. Bravo !
The fact this mindless prick uses citeh as his spelling for City proves he isn't even from Manchester he is just another mouthy plastic

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