Meanwhile Over on Red cafe

I mean, why the fuck would you support Citeh if you weren't from Manchester?

Just a little add on from my previos post. Why would I support City if I wasn't from Manchester? That's exactly like me asking a rag fan why he would support Utd if he wasnt from Manchester. To which he would probably reply "because they are brilliant and will loads of trophys" which in turn would make him a GLORY HUNTER .. Such idiots.
BoundedCascade said:
Im Canadian and only in the past 4 years have I even discovered my enjoyment for Football. I started watching when Sven came along and I really really enjoyed watching City. BEFORE I decided to decide whether or not I would consistently follow them I researched the history of the team and absolutely fell in love. I have watched a lot of old games but it was the 99 playoff final that really made me love City. After learning about the "typical City" that was the utter essence of it and I enjoyed it.

Now I find myself screaming at the top of my lungs when I watch City on the internet. Which is every single time they play. I do not protest to be a supporter like those in England who give their hard earned money to watch the team. I consider it a privilege to follow this club and when I get the financial ability I am going to come and watch a match and stay for as long as I can in England and watch as many matches as I can and really soak in what it means to be a supporter of City.

I truly Envy every last one of you that get to go to the matches and get to be around the club at all times. I envy the fact that you got those moments when you were younger and watching City and growing into your love for them. I wish I had the same chance.

I live for City. I wake up my first thing I do is check on several websites to see if there is any news about City. I want to talk about them all the time. In fact all I ever want is more and more City. I have given up guaranteed sex simply to watch us get trounced 8 - 1 against Middlesbrough. That is just one specific instance but it has happened a lot. Do I regret it? NO! I love this club that much. I never regret watching them, or talking about them, or anything involving them.

So what I live in a different country? I LOVE this club. I dont have the same relationship with the club as you but at the same time I feel that my love for the club is very strong. I hope you can accept a fan like me, and others like me.

Best fucking post ever.
YungJoshiiMcFc said:
I mean, why the fuck would you support Citeh if you weren't from Manchester?

Just a little add on from my previos post. Why would I support City if I wasn't from Manchester? That's exactly like me asking a rag fan why he would support Utd if he wasnt from Manchester. To which he would probably reply "because they are brilliant and will loads of trophys" which in turn would make him a GLORY HUNTER .. Such idiots.

That's a very good point mate and he's inadvertently admitted that all non-Mancunian United fans support them for the glory alone. I'm not sure what makes him so well qualified to know the exact reason why every single out-of-town red started supporting their team. In short, it's a ridiculous statement to make.
This was once posted in the comments section of a story in the MEN. I kept a copy as it sums up my feelings perfectly:

These morons treat their football team like eating at MacDonalds or drinking coffee at Starbucks - it's simply a lifestyle choice. It requires no effort or thought, it's plentiful, not difficult. You can bask in the reflective success of your team with little or no input required from yourself. You can take the p*ss with little or no fear of reprisal. You just arrogantly point at the cups and tell everyone you're "the best" don't you? F*ck the little details.

In short - it's easy.

After all, if everyone else around you does it - it must be right?

What they fail to realise is that these "character traits" are exactly what makes them the most loathed "fans" on the planet to a huge majority of fans of "lesser" clubs.

They will never understand why we can still hold our heads high as a club after winning f*ck all for 30+years while they have,with the aid of the constant media brainwashing and Sky's cartel money - swept all before them.

And I'm glad.

Now f*ck off, you rag wankers. I don't give a f*ck what you win. Ever.

You'll never get it.
nashark said:
In my local community, when you turned 14/15, you were off down the pub where most of the other residents of the community were. It was great. Everybody was from the same area and class, meaning you could understand and relate to any issue or talking point because everybody had shared similar experiences. It was the hub of the community. That's similar to the way I see City, although on a slightly larger scale.

I don't think it is ever accurate to say that, because somebody grew up in Manchester, they love the club more than someone who grew up in Ottawa. Many people that I know won't be as dedicated as someone who wakes up at 5 in the morning to watch City on the telly. However, I do think that those who grew up around the club, and declared their allegiances to City in bad times, have a greater feeling of what City means to the Manchester community - I don't think you can get that from reading Wikipedia or a Gary James book (no offence Gary).

Obviously, as City expands, more and more people will fall in love with the club. That also means we will get some here who pick and choose when they are a Mancunian. I think there's something exceptionally shallow about that and I take issue with it.

With that said, every person who goes to great lengths to watch City and post about City on a daily basis is part of the community - and I love them for that. As idealistic as it may be, I also think that if you are not from Manchester, you should put something back into your community by supporting your local club and microculture, too. If they have just got going, I would rather you spent your money there than on City; and if everything goes well, they might be like City in another three generations.

I think this is a good point, your local team will never become successful if the people around it are supporting foreign teams. I'm not at all having a go, I'm fine with anyone supporting City, I just think this is a good point. For example, where would City be if early in its history all the locals had been supporting other clubs? =)
KansasCITY said:
BoundedCascade said:
Im Canadian and only in the past 4 years have I even discovered my enjoyment for Football. I started watching when Sven came along and I really really enjoyed watching City. BEFORE I decided to decide whether or not I would consistently follow them I researched the history of the team and absolutely fell in love. I have watched a lot of old games but it was the 99 playoff final that really made me love City. After learning about the "typical City" that was the utter essence of it and I enjoyed it.

Now I find myself screaming at the top of my lungs when I watch City on the internet. Which is every single time they play. I do not protest to be a supporter like those in England who give their hard earned money to watch the team. I consider it a privilege to follow this club and when I get the financial ability I am going to come and watch a match and stay for as long as I can in England and watch as many matches as I can and really soak in what it means to be a supporter of City.

I truly Envy every last one of you that get to go to the matches and get to be around the club at all times. I envy the fact that you got those moments when you were younger and watching City and growing into your love for them. I wish I had the same chance.

I live for City. I wake up my first thing I do is check on several websites to see if there is any news about City. I want to talk about them all the time. In fact all I ever want is more and more City. I have given up guaranteed sex simply to watch us get trounced 8 - 1 against Middlesbrough. That is just one specific instance but it has happened a lot. Do I regret it? NO! I love this club that much. I never regret watching them, or talking about them, or anything involving them.

So what I live in a different country? I LOVE this club. I dont have the same relationship with the club as you but at the same time I feel that my love for the club is very strong. I hope you can accept a fan like me, and others like me.

Best fucking post ever.
That post nearly brought a tear to my eye and reminded me of why i took the blue pill as opposed to the red.
growing up with everyone of my mates being rags never made this easy and ive taken copious ammounts of shit from them all my life, but i dont regret my decision one little bit.
so yes your welcome mate your alright by me pal ;)
bluesyob said:
KansasCITY said:
Best fucking post ever.
That post nearly brought a tear to my eye and reminded me of why i took the blue pill as opposed to the red.
growing up with everyone of my mates being rags never made this easy and ive taken copious ammounts of shit from them all my life, but i dont regret my decision one little bit.
so yes your welcome mate your alright by me pal ;)

Thank you very much sir.
Some of the posts on that thread on redcafe are absolutely astonishing and blinkered.

I dont live to far from the council house and on a match day the roads to places like Stockport Hyde Ashton etc are usually full of the liars on the way home
why do they run coaches from places like Stockport on a match day

derby day at OT why is their ground always so full of coaches whilst they then bus them in to OT on "normal buses" to make it look like they all live local

Manchester city embarrassing Manchester since 1880

Like this one, ironic eh?

While City fans are going home to Ashton and Stockport, 90% of Old Trafford's crowd are about to get onto the M6 on their way back to the glory hunting cesspits they come from.

Absolutely fucking horrendous post.

When I lived in Fallowfield some 20 years ago it was full of city cunts. 80% of the cunts at my school were city faggots.

Homophobic Red shit raises a very good point Manchester, various areas have a certain majority of support...Gorton, Denton, Moss Side, Fallowfield and Wythenshawe are full of City fans, North Manchester, in my opinion is probably 70/30 to United but I can safely say that probably only 5 of Uniteds 70 go games.

So why is it talking to folk round the pubs, bars and clubs around Manchester I rarely find a city fan?

why indeed...

All their support is from Manchester (and walking distance to the Council House to boot) and up until last season they couldn't fill a ground under 2/3 the size of ours.

And we're the 'glory hunters'?


Pathetic club, pathetic fans.

Fuck off City.

This is posted by a Cockney Red...and I've read some shit in my time, but that is up there with the very worst.

Wow, I'm speechless reading that...since when is anyone claiming that all our support comes from Manchester? It's the majority, but it's not every single one of our fans, you absolute horse shit talker.

So, when you're in a club, when does anyone say 'Are you City or United?' PMSL

Overall, I doubt anyone really gives a genuine fuck, it's not going to stop me supporting City knowing United armchair fans outnumber our proper fans in Manchester.
Ducado said:

Threads like this only serve as ammo for lurking City fans.

They usually start well with reasoned arguments, but when you get further down and read "When I went to Manchester" or "Whenever I'm in Manchester" it just gets a bit embarrassing and stereotypical of the "average OOT rag". If I didn't live in Manchester I wouldn't start a thread like this.

Now there's an aware Rag LOL

I've always thought that rags talked complete and utter crap ..... because , by and large , most of the rags that i've ever encountered generally have done

and now , after browsing through that rag cafe thread i'm convinced of it even more ...... what a load of shite ... and what a crappy third rate forum that rag cafe is!

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