Media bias against City

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the sooner you realise that 'news' companies create/need stories to sell bog paper or advertising rather than report whats actually happening the better
the sooner you realise that 'news' companies create/need stories to sell bog paper or advertising rather than report whats actually happening the better

Only this.

The latest David James peice is a great summary of it all.

It's a phone call to a bankrupt ex professional, who with a little research, can be found to have history of spouting off against his old employers. Even before the takeover.

It's the perfect narrative for the main stream media, it sells papers and generates clicks. Target the pros who will sing the song.

David James always struck me as being a little thick, some of his ball tricks would certainly have made it in the circus.

At the end of the day it's jealousy. That's all it is. It can make a man rage. That we go about ourselves so professionally really pulls those strings.

It's beautiful
the sooner you realise that 'news' companies create/need stories to sell bog paper or advertising rather than report whats actually happening the better

I agree with this. My issue is with a broadcasting company that has gone out of its way to mock City and its fans.

As low as SkySports, BBC, The Mail and Talksport go even they wouldn't stoop to this.
the sooner you realise that 'news' companies create/need stories to sell bog paper or advertising rather than report whats actually happening the better
I'm not sure if there are many who don't realise why the media do what they do. It doesn't make it better though. My club is still getting the shitty end of the stick whatever the reasons are. It actually makes it worse not better that there is a concerted effort to run us down whilst bigging others up just to appease the masses.
Apparently they going to clamp down on diving and could be a 3 match ban! If that's the case Sterling by end of 1St premier game be labeled a diver and he'll be banned for half the season, especially with the media who love to show slow mo after slow mo and label our players..
I'm sure I've seen somewhere that either those or some other stats sky showed during that rant were made up to try and make Buzzer look an idiot?
I seem to remember the papers giving totally different stats ( which backed up Buzzers comments) the next game at the swamp was the 1-6.. buzzer you beauty.
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