Media bias against City

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No offence, but to those of you who say their isn't a pro-United agenda, and there isn't a bias against City, I give you..........


Don't forget, this isn't Talk Shite, or one of those headline cluck bait website's on News Now. It's f***ing BBC Sport, based at Mediacity, Salford. A stones throw from Trafford.

So who is the c*** who runs the Sports Media department at the BBC?
Impartial my arse ....
I know someone who works at BBC sport Salford and he has told me the boss is a rag and they have been told to play down everything City related and build up the rags.

The rags have also apparently approached the BBC and granted them 'access all areas' as they feel they need the BBC if they are to try and compete hence why we have seen so many pro rag tv programmes recently, apparently there are more to come.
Haha! Fucking photoshopped into a utd coat! Hahahahahaha! Bless the Beeb and their outdated ideas of where the football landscape is these days. Like utd I expect them to be irrelevant in the next 10 years.
I know someone who works at BBC sport Salford and he has told me the boss is a rag and they have been told to play down everything City related and build up the rags.

The rags have also apparently approached the BBC and granted them 'access all areas' as they feel they need the BBC if they are to try and compete hence why we have seen so many pro rag tv programmes recently, apparently there are more to come.
I second that, heared the very same.
I wonder if this latest and on-going United biased started at the BBC when GPC forgave them and began speaking to them again?

It wouldn't surprise anyone if the BBC Sport's Department agreed to toe the United agenda/line once again as long as they got access to everything United again.
The media is definitely anti-City, but I have just been viewing the Arsenal pre match thread, and it's 10 times more negative in there than the fucking shit in the media
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