Media bias against City

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The media is definitely anti-City, but I have just been viewing the Arsenal pre match thread, and it's 10 times more negative in there than the fucking shit in the media
It makes grim reading that one mate. Pretty sad actually how defeatist most are.
It makes grim reading that one mate. Pretty sad actually how defeatist most are.
Sign of the times. We were there when we were shit, and back then we had strange optimism and/or pragmatism, we used to take ourselves a lot less seriously and we laughed at adversity. Now a lot of our fans, well posters in here that is, are so negative, mard arsed and so full of the kind of arrogant entitlement that used to be solely associated with the scum, that it is really really hard to read
I wonder if this latest and on-going United biased started at the BBC when GPC forgave them and began speaking to them again?

It wouldn't surprise anyone if the BBC Sport's Department agreed to toe the United agenda/line once again as long as they got access to everything United again.
It's more to do with the present location of BBC Sport and the demographic of those that work there.
Sign of the times. We were there when we were shit, and back then we had strange optimism and/or pragmatism, we used to take ourselves a lot less seriously and we laughed at adversity. Now a lot of our fans, well posters in here that is, are so negative, mard arsed and so full of the kind of arrogant entitlement that used to be solely associated with the scum, that it is really really hard to read
A little harsh. I was at Wembley '99 after enduring a year with my seaso on the Kippax in fucking Div 3. The worst of times. Never forgotten.
Now we have learnt to dream of world domination and so all set-backs represent the pain of genuine disappointment. Being negative is a defensive act in the name of sanity. A draw would be great and a win even better. Some of us just don't want to expect a positive result as 'the scars run deep'.
Of course, any self-entitlement is as nothing to the whinging, childish nonsense that is spouted by armchair fans of the usual 'Big Four' suspects. fuck 'em. We always have been and always will be better than that.
A little harsh. I was at Wembley '99 after enduring a year with my seaso on the Kippax in fucking Div 3. The worst of times. Never forgotten.
Now we have learnt to dream of world domination and so all set-backs represent the pain of genuine disappointment. Being negative is a defensive act in the name of sanity. A draw would be great and a win even better. Some of us just don't want to expect a positive result as 'the scars run deep'.
Of course, any self-entitlement is as nothing to the whinging, childish nonsense that is spouted by armchair fans of the usual 'Big Four' suspects. fuck 'em. We always have been and always will be better than that.
From a personal point of view I have to disagree. I can be much more philosophical about defeats these days because the wider landscape is such a positive one. The last seven and a half years have been utterly incredible and our future is so, so bright why should I let a defeat at Stoke get me down in a significant way? Sure losing pisses me off, but not for very long. I'm enjoying the ride far too much to let the odd jolt spoil my fun.
From a personal point of view I have to disagree. I can be much more philosophical about defeats these days because the wider landscape is such a positive one. The last seven and a half years have been utterly incredible and our future is so, so bright why should I let a defeat at Stoke get me down in a significant way? Sure losing pisses me off, but not for very long. I'm enjoying the ride far too much to let the odd jolt spoil my fun.
Not quite my point. I meant that I am both physiologically and psychologically incapable of predicting a win, not even to myself.
From a personal point of view I have to disagree. I can be much more philosophical about defeats these days because the wider landscape is such a positive one. The last seven and a half years have been utterly incredible and our future is so, so bright why should I let a defeat at Stoke get me down in a significant way? Sure losing pisses me off, but not for very long. I'm enjoying the ride far too much to let the odd jolt spoil my fun.

You can be realistic about it Gdm, maybe cos you are a grown up, but have a look at some of the whining shite in the Arsenal pre match thread, some real moaning shit in there
Sorry GDM. I normally agree with most of your posts but this time I can't. Being one of the zimmer zone fraternity whatever the future holds, I may not be around to see it. So each defeat is like a hammer blow. We have lived like serfs for years, now we are at the toffs table, so I want first go at the french maid. The sooner the better.
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