Media Discussion - 2023/24

Never understand why companies do this. If I bought Dominos. Tweets like this would make me choose somewhere else.

For the record Papa John's is number 1 for pizza

To be fair to Dominos, if I were ever desperate enough to buy from them I'd probably be happy with just eating the cardboard as opposed to their shite pizzas
He made me fall in love with cricket, the guy was an outstanding player, an even better commentator and an even better gentleman.

As a kid I chased him all over Old Trafford ( the real one) finally one day I caught up with him and got him to sign a cricket bat, "sure thing mate", still got it and cherish it today.
In one of his books, he wrote about being stopped outside the SCG, and being asked for autographs.
One youngster asked him if he'd played for Australia, and people with Benaud were annoyed with the question.

Benaud was impressed with the query, and replied that it showed an enquiring mind, as the youngster would only have known about him through his TV work.

He remains the benchmark.
In one of his books, he wrote about being stopped outside the SCG, and being asked for autographs.
One youngster asked him if he'd played for Australia, and people with Benaud were annoyed with the question.

Benaud was impressed with the query, and replied that it showed an enquiring mind, as the youngster would only have known about him through his TV work.

He remains the benchmark.
Still haven't read his autobiography, it's the big tick missing from my reading list
Good Lord !! That Kaveh chap on Sky news just gave a very fair assessment of the latest legal action putting City's viewpoint over very well.
I thought so too. Just as well as I told Mrs laser as he was being introduced that he's a KFA idiot and she said "If you're just going to shout and swear at the TV put somethiing else on" :D

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