Media Discussion - 2023/24

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Lol, the indignation of a thread going off track, (no pun intended), it's called conversation, we all do it, start talking about one subject then drift to another. There's nothing wrong with that in my opinion and has brought back some great memories (for some).

The Media thread has been pretty quiet. Not much to comment on tbf, the condemnation of us has been much reduced recently but I think it will ramp up as the season gets nearer.

Anyway, as I don't watch SSN anymore are any of those wankers on the Back Page show giving us shit and still trying to mention "Manchester United" every few seconds?
I suggest you read the daily mail comments section involving are time keeping issues if you believe the condemnation of us has gone quiet .Stripped of titles ? 200 million fine? relegated to the northern conference? and the classics what do you expect from those sort of people? Those sort of people don't respect are laws? They are only giving them a fine so they can let them of for the 115 it's an absolute cess pit
Watching the Olympics over the last week and one thing that has struck me is listening to the commentary on various sorts. Rowing, swimming, gymnastics, archery and more, the commentators offer genuine insight and explain stuff to the viewer offering their experiences to what is happening with no agenda whatsoever, maybe only favouring team GB which is fair enough. Now contrast that to football commentators over here and it just makes me think on how shit it is. All we hear is commentators/pundits give their opinion rather than technical detail on what's going on in the game. This bollocks about city being boring, if not in play then in the fact it's boring winning 6 out of 7 prem leagues. Not once have I heard how boring it is that the USA gymnastics girl winning all those golds over the year's or this French kid smashing the swimming at the moment.
Our football media really is the pits.
I know my little rant was off speedway topic but I thought it had to be said.
Watching the Olympics over the last week and one thing that has struck me is listening to the commentary on various sorts. Rowing, swimming, gymnastics, archery and more, the commentators offer genuine insight and explain stuff to the viewer offering their experiences to what is happening with no agenda whatsoever, maybe only favouring team GB which is fair enough. Now contrast that to football commentators over here and it just makes me think on how shit it is. All we hear is commentators/pundits give their opinion rather than technical detail on what's going on in the game. This bollocks about city being boring, if not in play then in the fact it's boring winning 6 out of 7 prem leagues. Not once have I heard how boring it is that the USA gymnastics girl winning all those golds over the year's or this French kid smashing the swimming at the moment.
Our football media really is the pits.
I know my little rant was off speedway topic but I thought it had to be said.
No problem, great rant, its good to discuss other issues besides Speedway. Did you ever go to Altincham ice rink ?

Sorry @jimharri couldn't resist. :-)
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No problem, great rant, itsgiod to discuss other issues besides Speedway. Did you ever go to Altincham ice rink ?

Sorry @jimharri couldn't resist. :-)
I have actually, but I never went on the ice, my mate took my son on. My mate plays ice hockey for the RAF.

Have you played ice hockey before, looks brutal ;-)
I suggest you read the daily mail comments section involving are time keeping issues if you believe the condemnation of us has gone quiet .Stripped of titles ? 200 million fine? relegated to the northern conference? and the classics what do you expect from those sort of people? Those sort of people don't respect are laws? They are only giving them a fine so they can let them of for the 115 it's an absolute cess pit
I was going to ask who reads the daily mail comments but then I thought, who reads the daily mail? Leave it to the knuckle draggers, you really can't educate stupid.
I was going to ask who reads the daily mail comments but then I thought, who reads the daily mail? Leave it to the knuckle draggers, you really can't educate stupid.
I went to the comments section expecting some fair and balanced opinions it was a real wow moment
I have actually, but I never went on the ice, my mate took my son on. My mate plays ice hockey for the RAF.

Have you played ice hockey before, looks brutal ;-)
I once saw ice hockey while in Canada but as the commentary was in french my GCSE french wasn't quite up to the speed, really left me out in the cold.

Speaking of cold. If youve ever been to a gig at the men arena and sit on the floor it's incredibly cold. I heard they had an ice rink under it. But it could just be the concrete....
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