Media Discussion - 2023/24

I thought the oddball would be posting his vitriol towards us.

As a sidenote I've just witnessed a first on sky sports news. They've just shown a minutes silence in the pressroom at utd.

What a complete tosser this has be bordering on slander and the club should be all over this ! I know they refuse to rise to the bait and not give knob heads like him any more publicity but this really is a scandalous remark !
What a complete tosser this has be bordering on slander and the club should be all over this ! I know they refuse to rise to the bait and not give knob heads like him any more publicity but this really is a scandalous remark !
He's a no-mark that no one would be aware of if it wasn't for people who keep posting his shite on here.
From what I can gather it was a handful of dickheads on the concourse. Feels like the whole fanbase is being castigated as a result. “Chanting at the stadium” seems a bit disingenuous.
Was the PL appalled when scousers chanted about the death of the queen and various politicians? I hope the club find and give life bans to those involved, but they can piss right off with singling out the City fan base when they and other clubs have done absolutely nothing to condemn and ban the cretins at other clubs.
The chant was distastefulbut it doesn't warrant back page coverage given it was a small group of younger lads. It was moronic of them to film it and upload to SM.

I also don't remember back pages covering the young girl hospitalised from a dipper launching objects at the city fans below in the League Cup. Any coverage of utd fans chanting about the Glazers dying?
I can’t reply to Harris as the big nosed **** blocked me years ago.

What a slimy piece of shit, because as loud as I was yesterday about the bell ends who did this, he is basically saying the club as a whole, not just 5 little pieces of sperm.

I understand what you are saying but I would prefer it if we expected and held our fans to a higher level of common decency than what lfc do.

That club and their fans are a clearly a law unto themselves and that is why they are pretty much disliked by the fans of all other clubs.
I get what you are saying. What fucks me off is the media pile on we get, it's totally different to what the red shirted wankers get.

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