Media discussion - 2024/25

I'd worry if Rosen was on the panel, big difference between being represented by Pannick whose motive is more likely professional pride and a cracking pot of wonga rather than any allegiance. Let's face it Barristers are "professional story tellers" liars to suit the narrative.

I think @gordondaviesmoustache once posted about his legal brethren losing their collective plots when it came to football. We are all rabidly positive about the club we support, others with a legal intelligence are not immune to hating and denigrating other clubs, especially ours that's been the subject of an outrageous negative media campaign.

I think people worry unnecessarily about this. I doubt Rosen will appoint himself to the panel just to avoid the smallest indication of bias. If it's true that City did question Rosen as being independent last year as reported (which I doubt) it would have been as a warning shot that our lawyers would be all over the tiniest indication of bias in the panel, not because they were worried about Rosen particularly, imho.

And let's not forget Rosen and the whole PL disciplinary process got a bloody nose in the Leicester appeal. They won't want a repeat and will have the most qualified and experienced people at their disposal on the panel to avoid being made to look even more incompetent on appeal this time.

I know it's normal to be paranoid, but I really don't see that the panel can be anything other than full, detailed, scrupulously fair and intellectually rigorous. And then we win :)
He'd be a Messi-esque in his first trail game - sign a lucrative contract - then revert into Michail Antonio for four years until his contract was nearly up - rinse and repeat.
Fucking harsh on Michael Antonio that mate. Not the most gifted footballer in the world but he’s definitely a trier. Everything that Rashford is not.
Not one newspaper or media outlet says we could be found not guilty.

Every single one of them has us down as guilty and what the punishment could be.

I really hope that we take every single one of these twats to the cleaners when the dust settles.
They only journalist who has fought our corner is Samuel and more recently his views have seem to have changed. Siege mentality is required and as you say if we are cleared time to take no prisoners, Dippers, Rags and the media are all going to get it.

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