Media discussion - 2024/25

yeah, going off topic a bit but it was an absolute shameful episode, the wicked witch needs digging up and burning at the stake
I lived in a mining community at the time ( none of my family were miners), but I had friends whose family were and I saw first hand the devastation the strike wreaked. I also knew someone whose OH was Dibble, he was a thug in uniform. The met were to blame for Orgreave, the first thing Thatcher did after being elected 3/5/79 was give them a bloody massive pay rise. It was always her plan to close the mines- she hated unions.

The loss of that solid industry still has huge repercussions today 40 years on.
I lived in a mining community at the time ( none of my family were miners), but I had friends whose family were and I saw first hand the devastation the strike wreaked. I also knew someone whose OH was Dibble, he was a thug in uniform. The met were to blame for Orgreave, the first thing Thatcher did after being elected 3/5/79 was give them a bloody massive pay rise. It was always her plan to close the mines- she hated unions.

The loss of that solid industry still has huge repercussions today 40 years on.
Let's be factual correct please. The Labour Govt undertook a review of police pay. Lord Edmund Davis recommended an immediate pay rise for the police. Callaghans government gave them half. When Thatcher got elected she gave them the other half. It is yet another lie told by people with a certain political view.
And as for her hating the unions....... that's for the politics thread but .......
The headline on the BBC website is really extraordinary, if you take even a second to think about it. It says: “Liverpool reclaim top spot”.
Nota bene: reclaim.
Now I've just checked all the tables, match after match, and apart from the end of the first day, we were not top, but neither were Liverpool. Since then, we've been top until the end of Liverpool's match last night. In short, Liverpool Football Club have not been top at any point this season.

And in fact, unless I'm very much mistaken, they have not been top for months and months, since either Arsenal or ourselves were top for the latter part of last season.
Perhaps I'm being as paranoid as the Spanish Inquisition. But I strongly object to this kind of rhetoric, which is insidious, and is designed to plant unconsciously in people's minds (not just dippers, for whom it is literally an article of faith, anyway) that Liverpool's rightful position — it is in the order of nature, it is natural — is to be at the top of the table. Like a king who has been temporarily deposed, and who is now reclaiming his rightful throne. Or like an invading power reclaiming land that they consider was once theirs, and is inalienably so.
They are not fucking reclaiming anything!! If we go top (or Arsenal), that is exactly what it says, i.e. “City go top”, “Arsenal go top”. And that is quite right. The term is neutral, and factual.
This might seem like a rant and (I suppose) it is, but there is a lot of this knee-jerk rhetoric around Liverpool F.C. on the part of the media, and I just grow weary of it.
Even the choice of the term “claim” would speak volumes. You claim something that is rightfully and naturally yours. It is not a neutral verb. It is rhetorical. And reclaim indicates that you are taking back what was unlawfully taken from you.
The media have their tongue so far up LFC's backside it's not funny.

Just sayin’…

Strictly speaking Liverpool were top on the 17th August between about 2.30 and 5 pm.
We need to take up arms , but ok they did charge the PL, any news on that outcome or is it going to be concealed?
Fucking hell. The bitterness of the snidey twat in today's Telegraph, re yesterday's match
The Telegraph is seriously anti City. And their articles are blatantly anti Muslim, anti Arab. Their chief sportswriter was banned from attending the Joshua v Dubois fight last week due to a tirade against the Saudi’s in the week leading up to it. It’s a toxic publication

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