Media discussion - 2024/25


Proper weird behaviour. It's the type of behaviour you'd expect from the recent riots, where dickheads were throwing bricks at the police for ... doing their jobs?

Looking forward to reading the weasel words of whoever the poster is ("I was gonna spark him out but he absolutely shit his pants so I took pity on him blah blah blah")
With our successes over the last 15 years we've attracted new fans as you'd expect, most of whom will be young. Unfortunately, society is going downhill fast to my eyes at least and those young kids are now late teenage and early twenties and don't seem to have a scooby on how to behave in civilised society. Presumably it's taught or inherited behaviour from parents who weren't much better themselves, the human race is truly fucked.
To those criticising fans for confronting the press let me ask you a question how many cheeks are we supposed to turn before its too much, how much slagging off and outright lies are we supposed to take before its too much, im not advocating violence im just curious what peoples opinions are for how much is too much, the press simply cannot stoke up tensions and create situations and then cry when it comes back on them, you only have to look at the riots last week the daily mail have spent years telling people that everything was the immigrants fault blah blah blah and then it all went to shit and they called the far right scum basically criticising the monster they helped create and the same is happening here they have spent years belittling us, slagging us off, denigrating our achievements under a mask of thinly veiled racism and then cry foul when it bites them on the arse, it is an age old adage that if you dont start none then there wont be none and i think we can all readily say that the press have a major hand in creating this environment.

To quote mr inbetween: "The world is full of assholes, Ray, you do realize that." "Yeah, and you know why? Because people let 'em get away with it."
Truly bizarre that there are Sam Lee fanboys on here. Surely they can’t be real.
I'm certainly not one but if that's your take on people pushing back on supposed Blues threatening people in public because they write things they disagree with then there's no helping you.

I find the best option is just to not read them, rather than froth at the mouth as some of the mouth breeders on here do.
To those criticising fans for confronting the press let me ask you a question how many cheeks are we supposed to turn before its too much, how much slagging off and outright lies are we supposed to take before its too much, im not advocating violence im just curious what peoples opinions are for how much is too much, the press simply cannot stoke up tensions and create situations and then cry when it comes back on them, you only have to look at the riots last week the daily mail have spent years telling people that everything was the immigrants fault blah blah blah and then it all went to shit and they called the far right scum basically criticising the monster they helped create and the same is happening here they have spent years belittling us, slagging us off, denigrating our achievements under a mask of thinly veiled racism and then cry foul when it bites them on the arse, it is an age old adage that if you dont start none then there wont be none and i think we can all readily say that the press have a major hand in creating this environment.

To quote mr inbetween: "The world is full of assholes, Ray, you do realize that." "Yeah, and you know why? Because people let 'em get away with it."
So what are you advocating?
I'm not a fan of Sam Lee as he always seems to paint us as guilty when he talks about the PL charges. However what I find most interesting about this non story on a train is how Lee knows the blue who asked him out was a bluemoon poster? The blue must have either said I'm so and so on bluemoon? which is a bit bizarre or Lee must have known him? Neither seems right?
Or maybe Lee is trawling on here and saw the post about the incident.

I wasn't there but, I have had contact with the poster who brought the event up on here in the past and I'd believe him 100% more than anything Lee would say.
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I hadnt really thought it through tbh, i wouldnt be against some of them getting a slap tbh as i think it may be the only language some of them understand but then if you express that opinion you are labelled as a knuckle dragging caveman.
I can’t believe we are openly arguing that if you disagree with someone who is doing their job, they deserve a slap.

Honestly society has taken a big nose dive since Covid. Every other fucker has a chip on their shoulder, and a huge sense of entitlement. Kicking off with a person on a train is also big ‘main character syndrome’ vibes. I’m sure he or she was telling all his mates ‘I’m gonna kick off with that journalist. Watch me!’ before heading over.

Still silence from the bluemoon poster who kicked off on the train, I wonder why.
I'm certainly not one but if that's your take on people pushing back on supposed Blues threatening people in public because they write things they disagree with then there's no helping you.

I find the best option is just to not read them, rather than froth at the mouth as some of the mouth breeders on here do.
My last word on the matter with you

I was there, no one threatened Sam Lee with any physical violence

The man who spoke to him initially is 63 years of age, not drunk, not on drugs (unless prescribed)

Lee was the aggressive person all the way through it.

Me and you are not on the best of terms so believe what you want but I am telling you no City fan was looking for a fight

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