Media Thread - 2021/22

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After spending his secondary education in the school used by all United academy students Marcus Rashford states that he never read a book until he was 17.
In my eyes both the school and the rags have failed him for allowing such a situation to arise. The school should have informed both the rags and his parents of his poor performance.
I am sure that City's boys do not leave school without a good education yet as usual it is City getting the sly digs and the pictures of the Academy stadium.
My lads went to the same school, it is one of the reasons I am happy to say fish fingers is a liar.
Everyone at Ashton on Mersey school got/get excellent teachers. If f.f. chose to waste those 5 years so be it but he certainly read books whilst there.

He is a snide and not particularly subtle about it, I wouldn't even wipe my arse on a printed article he has written, as it would make it useful at least.
This isn’t right

ive just cancelled my sub as I’m sick of these snide articles about city

but Sam is alright , he writes some good stuff especially on the tactical side of the game
Don't know if already posted but.......... driving to work Wednesday morning listening to radio 4. Sports desk at 7.27 and the headline was some bloke who finished 13th in the skiing the night before and some people hurling bits of rock at other bits of rock on some ice while cleaning it with brushes... thereafter about 4 mins of crap they mentioned that city scored 5 away from home last night (whatever). Fast forward 24 hours. 7.27.... sports desk... HEADLINE.... fantastic result for bin dippers last night>>>> and straight over to milan for our jonny on the spot to slather and want himself inside out while describing footballs undoubted finest. The contrast struck me. Thats all. @conspiracy.
Heard all that, makes e vomit.
Don't know if already posted but.......... driving to work Wednesday morning listening to radio 4. Sports desk at 7.27 and the headline was some bloke who finished 13th in the skiing the night before and some people hurling bits of rock at other bits of rock on some ice while cleaning it with brushes... thereafter about 4 mins of crap they mentioned that city scored 5 away from home last night (whatever). Fast forward 24 hours. 7.27.... sports desk... HEADLINE.... fantastic result for bin dippers last night>>>> and straight over to milan for our jonny on the spot to slather and want himself inside out while describing footballs undoubted finest. The contrast struck me. Thats all. @conspiracy.
I caught the 8.30 sports on the R4 Today programme on my drive to work on both days. Wednesday morning - minutes of waffle about the Winter Olympics with British no hopers and about us not winning a single medal and the Russian teenager no one's heard of (why is this even a British news story?). Then the briefest of mentions of our win.
Contrast to today and Today presenter Martha Karney leads into the Sports update with " was a great night for Liverpool..." and of course it was the main story when the Sports bulletin began. Then the Winter Olympics gets mentioned afterwards.
Talk about polar opposites - the BBC showing who they prioritise.

24 hours earlier, Jamie Jackson had written of Manchester City's 5-0 win that "a prime factor is, of course, the riches the side fuelled by Abu Dhabi’s petro‑dollars enjoy: that should allow them to beat a significantly lower‑budget operation such as Sporting..."

This is for the attention of the small band of City Guardianistas.
This isn’t right

ive just cancelled my sub as I’m sick of these snide articles about city

but Sam is alright , he writes some good stuff especially on the tactical side of the game
in your opinion, a one you can freely hold.

He is a snide rag twat to me and as the other fella said he was overjoyed at the thought of us being found guilty, not so many articles about our fine result at CAS.

Compare him to Stuart Brennan and you see the difference in shades of red, when you read the latter's articles it feels like he has been turned into a blue, the former however is all rag, it is in there somewhere always waiting to show its ugly face.

Just my opinion, of course, a one I can also freely hold :)

ps I don't need a reporter to tell me about the tactical side of a game I have played since I was 4yo, I want a reporter to report the news on my club, honestly and without bias, I don't need a reporter to blow smoke up my clubs' arse either, though some of the latter, once in a while, would make a change from the crap we have had for the last 10 years.
I think we have to accept that the average ‘news’ site these days has got about as much to do with objective journalism as Facebook has to do with ‘connecting people’. The business model has altered them to the point where they are now something completely different from what we used to think of them as.

I do also wonder if there is also some weird sort of psychological transference going on too. Let’s be honest, there’s quite a lot to dislike about modern football and its’ values. So, if you earn your living writing about or broadcasting it, rather than admit to yourself and others that you are a willing participant and agent in the theft of football from ordinary people, it’s much easier to lump all that disgust and shame onto a whipping boy. It’s essentially the ultimate form of whataboutery by people who in some cases are prime movers in turning football into a bit of a cesspool.
Also consider that most of the 30/40/50 somethings writing about football professionally nowadays grew up in the era dominated by the redshirts. Sky, newespapers etc full of it.
All the certainties of life they expected to be the status quo forever have been shattered, stamped on and shat on by City.
Hence you get the likes of Ronay tweeting about how united’s dominance was ‘cool’ while still being happy to join his acolytes in continually attacking City for ‘destroying competitive balance’ -despite never yet approaching the red shite heights.
Aside from the obvious hypocrisy and dog whistle racism - Ronay and his infamous “row of grinning beards in the director’s box” comment about Arab owners being a prime example - the likes of him, Delaney etc are almost certainly weeping, wailing and lashing out at their lost youth and the loss of all they wanted and expected to be the same forever more.
They have all the credibility of a racist retired colonel writing angry letters to the Telegraph about immigration and litter
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My lads went to the same school, it is one of the reasons I am happy to say fish fingers is a liar.
Everyone at Ashton on Mersey school got/get excellent teachers. If f.f. chose to waste those 5 years so be it but he certainly read books whilst there.
But he did not learn much about being honest.
Much of the Marcus Rashford story is embellished to say the least.
Trafford MBC was well known for its educational standards at all levels and they would have done something about a kid who really couldn't read the set books of the English syllabus.
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