Media Thread - 2021/22

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This isn’t right

ive just cancelled my sub as I’m sick of these snide articles about city

but Sam is alright , he writes some good stuff especially on the tactical side of the game
Isn't that worse if he can write some good stuff but so often writes clickbait for red shirts either by choice or to please his bosses?
Hasn't Herbert/Daily Mail published this 'Special Report' previously which makes the timing a tad suspect. It's one of those subjects that is very difficult to discuss openly and dispassionately because of the devastating loss Jeremy Wisten's family have suffered. The one organisation that doesn't appear to get a mention is the PFA who, as the players union, should surely be heavily invested in this.

it says clubs don’t prepare them for failure as if that’s their job.
Top education is proof that they say you can’t rely on football.
Now as a parent I think it’s my job to prepare my kids for the big bad world & I often / drill into them that life’s not fair get used it. From adversity comes opportunities & the worst adversity can actually steer you to the best opportunity.

It’s sad but I think if you compared the stats between football & University I’m certain less suicides in football.
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If I was into that sort of thing, I'd perhaps be wondering how turkey necked white vulture capitalist beats brown skinned Gulf Royal in terms of being an acceptable club owner. Despite his minions on Merseyside stealing our database, conspiring behind the scenes to destroy us by subterfuge, and having a proven record of cheating and racist scandal in his othe sports teams. The sheikh on the other hand has invested in our club, in our team and in our city.

Lucky I'm not thinking there's any powerful cabal of utter twats seeking to destabilise us, we must be winning again.

Rather than listening to tired half truths of the news, been watching a film about werewolves attacking a train - called Howl. Diverting fun and infinitely more believable than anything from the press.
Think the hairy critters are going to win on points.....
in your opinion, a one you can freely hold.

He is a snide rag twat to me and as the other fella said he was overjoyed at the thought of us being found guilty, not so many articles about our fine result at CAS.

Compare him to Stuart Brennan and you see the difference in shades of red, when you read the latter's articles it feels like he has been turned into a blue, the former however is all rag, it is in there somewhere always waiting to show its ugly face.

Just my opinion, of course, a one I can also freely hold :)

ps I don't need a reporter to tell me about the tactical side of a game I have played since I was 4yo, I want a reporter to report the news on my club, honestly and without bias, I don't need a reporter to blow smoke up my clubs' arse either, though some of the latter, once in a while, would make a change from the crap we have had for the last 10 years.

As I keep saying if it was so important to keep talking about our ban & the reasons for it then the reasons for the ban being lifted & evidence to back it up should be reported.

he’s a snide twat & I’ll keep repeating it until he writes the report.

then I’ll write he’s no longer a snide twat as he’s shown balance, it’s not fcking hard.
Also consider that most of the 30/40/50 somethings writing about football professionally nowadays grew up in the era dominated by the redshirts. Sky, newespapers etc full of it.
All the certainties of life they expected to be the status quo forever have been shattered, stamped on and shat on by City.
Hence you get the likes of Ronay tweeting about how united’s dominance was ‘cool’ while still being happy to join his acolytes in continually attacking City for ‘destroying competitive balance’ -despite never yet approaching the red shite heights.
Aside from the obvious hypocrisy and dog whistle racism - Ronay and his infamous “row of grinning beards in the director’s box” comment about Arab owners being a prime example - the likes of him, Delaney etc are almost certainly weeping, wailing and lashing out at their lost youth and the loss of all they wanted and expected to be the same forever more.
They have all the credibility of a racist retired colonel writing angry letters to the Telegraph about immigration and litter
Not forgetting a Simon Jordan to that list too.
By all accounts (well the BBC), Kylian Mbappe has abandoned moving to Real Madrid and is off to the Dippers instead! Obviously he wants to team up with the serial winners at Anfield and help them to their second League Championship in thirty odd years?
By all accounts (well the BBC), Kylian Mbappe has abandoned moving to Real Madrid and is off to the Dippers instead! Obviously he wants to team up with the serial winners at Anfield and help them to their second League Championship in thirty odd years?
Come on mate, it’s the BBC gossip page mentioning a Daily Star article. It’s not worth even acknowledging.
Having thought about it while arguing against some Liverpool fans nonsense earlier. Hasn't this campaign against City and it's ownership been fully exposed for what it really is now? We already knew it but how can they really deny it now. This is a summary I wrote elsewhere.

Qatar actually own a CL club, they sponsor numerous clubs across Europe with their airline, they pour millions into UEFA and all the major league associations(PL, La Liga, Bundesliga etc) via their beIN contracts, they have a seat on UEFA's executive board, they are hosting a FIFA world cup.

On another note, wasn't it weird how it appeared that the PL's biggest sticking point for the Newcastle takeover refusal, was the complaints from the Qatar state owned broadcaster(beIN)? Gotta keep Qatar happy I guess. Makes you wonder who's paying for the longest investigation in PL history and if info is being shared with their lawyers etc.

Back on topic though, it's undeniable now, that Qatar's influence in European football, is far greater than the UAE's. Considering, no UAE state owns a CL club, a couple of their state airlines sponsor a few clubs and competitions. That's night and day almost. All of this and their human rights issues are every bit as bad as the UAE's.

Saudi own a club too now and they are a million times worse than the UAE and Qatar for human rights, far richer and far more dangerous in general, that isn't even up for debate.

So with that all in mind, the fact that so many oft these supposedly "neutral" football fans are still hugely more interested in talking about the UAE, than any other persian gulf state is quite telling. While the above statements are the reality(which they are), this should tell anyone who is truly neutral how shallow the concern really is. About any of the issues, that some of these crusaders against City bring up to City fans. It's 99% because City are very good, very well run, self sustaining and look set to keep growing and they are scared.

Wasn't sure were to put this, seems as good a thread as any for the ongoing treatment of City. Feel free to move it if it doesn't belong here.
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