Media Thread - 2021/22

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Martyn Ziegler, Chief Sports Reporter|Matt Dickinson, Chief Sports Writer

September 21 2019, 12:01am, The Times

Liverpool paid a £1 million settlement to Manchester City after their Premier League rivals made a complaint that their scouting system had been hacked into.
The confidential settlement took place in September 2013 after it was reported that City had employed computer-espionage experts to see if the system had been spied on.
The scandal would appear to be the biggest incident of alleged misbehaviour by one top-flight club to another in the Premier League’s history.

What worries me this time is not the content but the political climate. The warmongers and zealots are in the ascendancy now. Any rogue state, or any individual identified with a rogue state is under pressure. The so called liberals in the Western world are the hawks in foreign policy terms.

The last US election was dominated by ridiculous personality of Trump but underlying it was a longstanding theme of isolationism (Trump) vs interventionism (Biden).

The underlying problem is that globalisation is built on a division. Western liberal democracy is the flip side to banana republics, colonies and Western owned oil fields in the middle-east manned by migrant labour. Attacking the colonies is just the pretext to manipulate the global stage to better suit the Western powers and it serves as way of re-asserting the power of states who are failing economically. The Western world is stagnating. China, India, South Korea are the engines of world growth. They are the nations that the non-aligned countries do business with and in the heartlands of the USA and Europe the hawks embrace conflict because they are losing economic ground. It's a repeating cycle.
2008 ladies and gentleman 2008.
This is when were taken over and 14yrs later we are still constantly being attacked on all sides by the media.

If i was a non-city fan i would associate Etihad & Abu Dhabi with cheating, sportswashing and human rights abusers - we as City fans know it’s not true but the way we are petrayed, wrote about and discussed all the time is how the average non-city fans see’s it.
And as we are all aware, there are more non City fans around the world than City fans.

FOURTEEN YEARS of constant abuse and lies without any retaliation from the club have unfortunately damaged the brand - what a PR disaster.

Only if the club had some bollocks and threatened any “jounalist” or paper who wrote complete bollocks with court action this shit may have stopped many many years ago.
Gary Neville recenly for example.

This bury your head in the sand and let them get on with it approach didn’t work, hasn’t worked and will never work.

The damage has been done, and will continue until the clubs PR Dept do something.

If i had a business and the media were constantly writing negative articles without any response from my PR Dept, no client would go near me and i’d go bust.

I love my club like my family, and if some C*nt kept writing shite and lies about a family member on social media, they would be getting a harsh word in the ear, told to apologise and receive a size 10 boot up their anal passage!

I just wish the club would do the same
I said this so often in the past that even I got bored with it, but it bears repeating now: Der Spiegel and the English football writers have no idea of the difference between breaking rules and finding ways to operate within the regulatory framework to achieve your business objectives while remaining within the letter of the rules. CAS showed that City had done the latter.

Unsurprisingly, the execrable Nick Harris (gorilla flinging shit in a zoo was a superb analogy by whoever used it earlier in the thread) shows himself incapable of appreciating the distinction. If he could, he might just be the kind of person the High Court could accept as an expert witness. Ah, well, Nick.

As it stands, this is just a rehash of old stuff. As Mark Meadowcroft, sometime of the 9320 pod, posted on Twitter under the handle @mellotrono, there's more new material in a Buddy Holly greatest hits collection. Hopefully this will generate a siege mentality among Blues (the fans, the staff and the team) which will benefit us in the upcoming crunch fixtures.
Unless anything new comes out (which seems unlikely in the short term, given that the PL have been investigating for 3 years and done nothing) then this will be tomorrow's chip paper. City have taken the view to ignore it on that basis and it probably makes sense for the rest of us to do the same.
2008 ladies and gentleman 2008.
This is when were taken over and 14yrs later we are still constantly being attacked on all sides by the media.

If i was a non-city fan i would associate Etihad & Abu Dhabi with cheating, sportswashing and human rights abusers - we as City fans know it’s not true but the way we are petrayed, wrote about and discussed all the time is how the average non-city fans see’s it.
And as we are all aware, there are more non City fans around the world than City fans.

FOURTEEN YEARS of constant abuse and lies without any retaliation from the club have unfortunately damaged the brand - what a PR disaster.

Only if the club had some bollocks and threatened any “jounalist” or paper who wrote complete bollocks with court action this shit may have stopped many many years ago.
Gary Neville recenly for example.

This bury your head in the sand and let them get on with it approach didn’t work, hasn’t worked and will never work.

The damage has been done, and will continue until the clubs PR Dept do something.

If i had a business and the media were constantly writing negative articles without any response from my PR Dept, no client would go near me and i’d go bust.

I love my club like my family, and if some C*nt kept writing shite and lies about a family member on social media, they would be getting a harsh word in the ear, told to apologise and receive a size 10 boot up their anal passage!

I just wish the club would do the same
Fantastic post and my feelings exactly.
Where does it all end though Tolm? It’s relentless and the timing is so fucking orchestrated. When do we actually start fighting back, after years of trying to kill everyone with kindness?
We don't we duck. The smear claim is the way to go. That is what is is. You don't fight a battle when you are at the bottom of the field, the cavalry has the heights, and the bogs in the middle are fast drying up.

The political climate has shifted and underlying this is politics. Der Spiegel, the Guardian and the BBC are the liberal establishment. We are just another target for the evangelists of the free-world. They are the modern day crusaders of western liberal values. The irony is that the best way of securing those values is for the Arab nations to be allowed to develop freely and without intervention. In 1979, the Iranians toppled the Shah of Iran, in blind panic the French and American intelligence services flew the Ayatollah in from Paris and hijacked the Iranian revolution and that changed everything. The growth in political Islam can be traced back to that moment. The Arabs have to be allowed to develop and it wont come from more sanctions and foreign backed wars.
Pin all this shit up in the dressing room on Sunday as I'm pretty sure those scouse cunts are involved with this with the fenway bastards.
I don't think so. They will accept gifts but this is driven by idealists whose No.1 enemy are individuals like the Emiratis. Liverpool, and Man Utd are the dogs under the table excitedly accepting the food as it drops to the floor below.

I've always identified liberal journalists as the source of the propaganda. The tag liberal is no longer appropriate.

And yet I guarantee you that throughout today you will have 10-20 City fans sat on Guardian football busy making money for them. Know your enemy. We don't even now.
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