Media Thread - 2021/22

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Some City fans go too far by jumping on and criticising anything and and anyone that isn't 100% pro-City.

I mean we finally have a regular City pundit in Micah Richards and if he says anything that is vaguely a criticism there are people on here saying he's sold out and just taking the money.

I also think so many journalists write anti-City stuff or stuff with a jibe against us because they know City fans will click on it and share it across social media - they're judged on clicks and City fans oblige and bite, every single time.
Not on twitter but assuming Mr Lee is reading this. The online view is that we are militant. Imagine for a minute that Liverpool or united had been treated in the press like us for the last few years, attacked at every point, other clubs trying to sanction us without evidence, supported by the online media, disparaged on TV, every commentary about us mentioning money, tactical fouls, cheating, bans etc. - want to see militant do that to them and see what happens, it'll be more than computer hacking, stadium invasions or bus wrecking - remember they threatened one of their own players for wanting to leave after years of great service.

We are not militant, we are just pissed off by the constant drip of negativity from all sides.
Completely agree. You can only poke a fan base so much before it will bite back. Wonder what Suarez is doing these days? ;)
Maybe not Sam but according to Ahsan The Athletic did

Interesting - I hadn't seen that. I'm not really sure how lawyers could disagree too vehemently not just because it transpired to be correct but because it was based on what City had actually argued at CAS 1 and basic analysis with sourced references. As such, it was never "definitely wrong." Anyway, there you go.
Well said. Football probably has the worst journalism of any major sport. What should be trivial peripheries are seemingly more important to the media nowadays than the game itself.
The depressing, clickbait led race to the bottom means football’s media landscape is now dominated by often exaggerated, misreported and/or out of context soundbites, contrived controversies and groundless gossip rather than considered reporting and informed, good faith, non-tribal discussion.
Sports like cricket, boxing, golf, rugby, tennis enjoy much better journalism than football. And a lot of that is not necessarily because these sports have better writers, but because they are allowed to be better writers

Have you tried the Athletic? :)

Just skimmed a long read profile on Gabriel Martinelli. Seemed good and some great quotes from him
about City - 100% best team etc and a nightmare to play against etc. By Adam Crafton as well :)

Enjoy some of the American sports stuff on there and a fair bit football related (including Sam Lee when he is not being a twat) excluding the sensationalist/click bait shit

So there you go - "may do an article"

Yeh right - ofc he's gonna write an article on the responses; that was his MO all along, for the rags and dippers to lap up

Gotta keep those interactions/subscriptions coming eh? (Seeing as that's what the overlords at the NYT demand from their journalists)


Where is that ‘a common view? btw? Rival fans? Or among shitposting hacks like the WhatsApp group? Maybe he went to them for his ‘research’ like last time
"A common view".....

A common view amongst whom?

Militant football fans eh? What an utter crock of shit. We're a variety of different people who support a football club. It's supposed to be a release from the stresses and strains of life. You know, grab a few beers, shout, sing, let off steam, hopefully watch a decent game and see your team win. For at least the last ten years as a club and fanbase we've been under constant attack from certain media scum. We fight back. That's what people under attack do. How about these clowns just concentrate on what they're paid to do, report on what happens on the football field and stop with the cheap shots. Happy days
I don't mind Sam, when he's on podcasts he generally speaks well of City.

It's a tough position for him (and Mooney) as they aren't going to criticise their work colleagues/employer, certainly not publicly.

I think all City fans seem to agree that Crafton's article was a hit job on City. If it turns out that everything is above board then why bother writing the article?

A 5min google shows the below when looking into sponsorship dealings with other premier league clubs.

The company Red and White Holdings, which includes Iranian funds, bought up 29% of Arsenal for $250 million in 2007. Arsenal have been sponsored by Emirates since 2004 and recently have been sponsored by Visit Rwanda, which isn't very LGBTQ+ friendly. There was also very little mention of Usmanov when he was a shareholder.

A company from Bahrain purchased 100% of Leeds United back in 2012 for $84 million. GFH Capital established and manages the Middle East's first Sharia-compliant VC TMT fund.

We know who Liverpool are sponsored by and the silence surrounding their continuation with their main sponsor considering recent legal issues is surprising, lets for one moment think of the coverage had it been Etihad found guilty.
Also do not look too closely at the Russian owner of their sponsor InstaForex, we don't want to see a pattern emerging and of course there's been no outcry by the LGBTQ+ supporters in the football media concerning their sponsorship ties to Mauritius. Perhaps the New York Times once having a stake in FSG might have seen them get/and still receive favorable coverage, now remind me who the New York Times recently purchased.

Liverpool fans hate Abu Dhabi's oil money and human rights record so much. Yet the reporting of Henry's travel to the Middle East to build future relationships with businesses there was covered very positively and we haven't heard any condemnation when Liverpool opened a megastore in Abu Dhabi back in 2016.

United, sponsored by state entities from Saudi Arabia (at the time the biggest non shirt sponsorship deal), Russia and Turkey but not a peep about that being bad for football nor asking United fans to denounce their club nor that any trophies won during that time are tainted.

Last but by no means least our own FA and the sponsorship of FA Cup since 2014 by Emirates. Surely there was an outcry when this deal was signed? Human rights stories etc. bvHow could they taint the romanticism of the FA Cup. No doubt the fleet street hacks refuse to attend and report on games.

What!? Delaney turns up but just doesn't eat the halftime sausage rolls? Well that will show them. Wait till he finds out who owns the paper he works for.

Now imagine what an article from a real investigative journalist (without football bias) doing research into English clubs' ties with shady foreign investments might look lie.
Excellent post and in one way or another these hyprocrisies have been put to the WhatsApp group.
Their response "Whataboutery".

The go to phrase when you're losing a debate.
Have you tried the Athletic? :)

Just skimmed a long read profile on Gabriel Martinelli. Seemed good and some great quotes from him
about City - 100% best team etc and a nightmare to play against etc. By Adam Crafton as well :)

Enjoy some of the American sports stuff on there and a fair bit football related (including Sam Lee when he is not being a twat) excluding the sensationalist/click bait shit
Not for me thanks, I knew it would be an establishment club **** fest from day one
I didn't personally agree with David Mooney's view that "the vast majority of media coverage of City is fair", but he's entitled to his opinion of course and some of the personal digs at him are a bit unnecessary imo. Argue the point with him by all means, but let's keep it civil and respectful please.
My opinion is he's a "sell out" and I'm also entitled to it.
Maybe not Sam but according to Ahsan The Athletic did [refuse the help of Stefan from 93:20 pod with regard to City's FFP case]

As The Athletic marketed itself as a kind of superior online publication, I found Sam's handling, as its MCFC correspondent, of the whole UEFA ban and CAS case deeply disappointing. I can understand that he doesn't understand the financial and legal issues involved as he's a sports journalist and there's no shame in that. However, while no one else in the media (at least that I saw) ever sought to address the case from a City perspective, Sam never did, either, and in his position he was the one person who IMO should have.

At a minimum, the following are questions he should have been asking and should have written pieces seeking to address:

1. If everyone else is so sure that City are guilty, why has City's public line always been so implacably sanguine in terms of the club prevailing before a neutral body? If you remember Soriano's conversation with Chris Bailey on the club's official website, he went way beyond the generalised positive noises that parties to litigation often come out with regarding their cases - he was utterly unequivocal. That would be completely senseless if he simply had a no-hope case, so what reasons might he have to think he could win?

2. If the allegations against City were true, the necessary corollary would be that various officers and employees within the club would have committed fraudulent conduct conforming to the definition of various serious criminal offences for which the penalty can be several years of imprisonment. Is it really likely that people such as Khaldoon and Soriano would have taken that kind of risk?

And he never addressed those in print. It seems most likely to me that it didn't even occur to him to ask them. Well, if you're writing for an outlet that asks me to pay money I work hard to earn so that I can read your stuff, then I'm afraid it's not fucking good enough.

As I said earlier, I do get that he isn't an expert in finance or law, so he'll look for help in forming any analysis he chooses to print. No problem there. But I'm sure I'm not the only person who remembers him trumpeting one day on Twitter how he had a WhatsApp chat lined up with Delaney and other likeminded journalists to learn about the topic. That he did this but didn't reach out to someone like Stefan shows that his judgement here is absolutely fucking wretched.

In terms of his output more generally, he does produce some decent stuff, especially on tactics. (I'm now in my third year of subscribing to The Athletic, and they've retained me because I arrived on a promotional offer and when I twice unsubscribed, they offered me another year for buttons. It just about remains worth it, but largely because I consume almost entirely content that isn't about the big Premier League clubs.)

However, it irks me that, where other major clubs have more than one correspondent, Sam is all there is for City fans. He does actually generate some worthwhile stuff, but there's always a detachment in it. I don't want embarrassing propagandist bullshit along the lines of James Pearce writing about the cult, but I sometimes want to read articles from someone who I really feel gets the club and its fans. Sam totally doesn't, IMO, and that's a big disappointment for me in terms of The Athletic's coverage of our club.

Excellent post and in one way or another these hyprocrisies have been put to the WhatsApp group.
Their response "Whataboutery".

The go to phrase when you're losing a debate.

Just seen this. For me, the thing about allegations of 'whataboutery' is that they're a go-to resource for obnoxious hypocrites, who sling them around when seeking to shut down the exposure of their venal double standards.
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