Media thread 2022/23

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Ffs, we always get to this point, the poster stated BAME was a factor in Aluko getting a job she’s clearly terrible at. Another poster, aggressively said the colour of someone's skin is not the reason for getting the job. I said its a factor sometimes then quoted the TV ads. Look on the internet, there’s articles written on it. It’s not racist if that’s what you are implying, it’s clearly a fact the ads are overly represented by ethnic minorities by a long way. I’m not getting involved further on what was a fact not an opinion.

It just seems bizarre that in a discussion on the ethnicity of football pundits you should just suddenly throw in a “fact” about actors in TV adverts. There is no link between the two. Now if you wanted to throw in numbers about the percentage of black pundits compared to the number of black footballers, the results might be a bit more relevant.
It just seems bizarre that in a discussion on the ethnicity of football pundits you should just suddenly throw in a “fact” about actors in TV adverts. There is no link between the two. Now if you wanted to throw in numbers about the percentage of black pundits compared to the number of black footballers, the results might be a bit more relevant.
Read the thread, you’ve twisted it for your own woke perspective, you don’t half post some fucking shite.
It's contemptible logic that doesn't stand up in any other walk of life.

'Donal Ryan is a great Irish novelist, therefore Anne Enright has nothing to say...?
"Van Halen is a fantastic American rock guitarist, therefore Bonnie Raitt can't be..?
"Tom Hardy is an award-winning English actor, therefore Helen Mirren must be shitr..?
"Jamie Redknapp is possessed of a shrewdly analytical footballing brain, therefore any woman's opinion on the game...?"

Spare me, ffs.

Look, if someone doesn't rate womens' football, that's their prerogative. There's no need to be a boorish twat about it; broadcastting to the world "that you're all enjoying football wrong".

Personally, I don't rate Aluko as an analyst. My opinion has nothing to do with her gender, ethnicity, or level of experience in the game (the latter of which far exceeds mine, btw). It's because I rarely find her remarks particularly instructive - oh, and she clearly hates City.

Alternatively though, some of the female analysts have been a breath of fresh air (particularly when they first came on the telly) insomuch as they actually talk(ed) about tactics (possibly because they feel obliged to demonstrate such knowledge?) far more than a lot of the boring boring men who share(d) the studio

"Even you'd have scored that pal" '
"Dunno, he didn't get many with his 'ead" - cue howls of laughter
"We'll be back for the second half after these messages..."

Yeah, you'd definitely have had to play at the highest level to truly understand that sort of "illuminating" guff.

One ladt thing:
Please, can we leave the small-dick-energy right-winger whining about box-ticking out of it, lads? It comes across as tiresomely insecure, not to say, remedial.
Love Bonnie Raitt ;-)
Nothing against her personally, but she does have a tendency to come out with some belters.
Read the thread, you’ve twisted it for your own woke perspective, you don’t half post some fucking shite.

I have read the relevant part of the thread. Brooklands Blue declares that Aluko only gets work for box ticking purposes. Stonerblue calls him out on that post and you pile in backing Brooklands Blue up by using the ‘fact’ that ethnic minorities are over represented in TV adverts.

And I’ve twisted things for my own perspective?

The ‘woke’ comment gave me a chuckle though. It’s just a shame you’ll never get to see why it’s so amusing.
But it’s interesting that you would choose to highlight perhaps the one very specific area where black people may be over represented. I could quite easily list a hundred examples of where black people are underrepresented. But none of them would have much to do with football punditry either, so I probably won’t bother.
lack of proper representation of people of Indian heritage in comparison or something
Who do you reckon our impartial broadcaster has aimed this at then? Newcastle? "State-backed, money fuelled"....

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It’s high time City fans embrace this particular jibe.

Yes, we’re state backed. (I know we’re not really but play along).

So now what? Who actually gives a fuck that is worth giving a fuck over?

The only person (or persons in this case) who actually mattered, were the CAS panel. And we know how that went.

Try it. Next time someone throws out that we’re state backed, just agree. They won’t know what to do and the conversation flow will end.
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