Media thread 2022/23

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The Dippers shouldnt sing YNWA , just play the funeral march before game so they can get straight into their victim syche before the game , miserable , needy bastards , everything is a drama for a Dipper.
They shouldn’t sing it, because it traumatises Karius every time he hears it, as the ‘worlds most knowledgeable fans’ plainly don’t adhere to the lyrics they so proudly sing.
it’s a victim/tragedy song for him, why are they allowed to sing it unchallenged…
They can do one. It’s got fuck all to do with Hillsborough.

And as others have pointed out, we’re being lectured by people who advocated the Suarez shirts, held a trophy parade on the anniversary of Heysel, and sing about Shipman.
Let's use the same tune but change the words then.

"We'll sing what we want. We'll sing what we want. It's not about Hillsborough, you fucking scouse cunts"
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As someone who has never sung it or any song about a tragedy. It's now getting to the stage where I might sing the victim chant.

Why ?

Because I am fucking sick and tired of the hold the dippers have over the press/media, the authorities both football and police and government.

We all saw the jibbing in and fake tickets at the CL final yet bizarrely the dippers get a refund and are cleared of any wrong doing. How the fuck does that happen. The press/media, authorities etc all say it wasnt so. Yet we all saw it. No trouble at the away end. Why did lfc want paper tickets ? Where lfc in leagues with the gangs making fake tickets ?

Every fan I know from other clubs all fucking hate the dippers.

The press/media, authorities etc are responsible for the way the dippers behaviour. The dippers know they wont get nicked, the attack on our coach has only encouraged their behaviour to get worse. The poor lass injured at our ground the bastard that throw it has never been found. Not one dipper who say it has come forward and given information. The dippers dont even moan about dippers with fake tickets nicking their seats !.

This club and its fans are rotten to the core. I have never been in a fight in all my 62 yrs as a fan. But know there is no way I would back away from a dipper. Because they believe the press/media, authorities that they never misbehave.

This article in the bbc is a disgrace, even the bbc is lying about the chant. It has fuck all to do with Hillsborough. It's sad to say but the dippers just love to be the victim, it's in their DNA.
ITV news did abit last night and interviewed John fucking Aldridge, john fucking Aldridge, the pissed up dipper who slangs City off 24/7 !

The bbc brings City into. The same City that respected the minute silence only to get the fans coaches attacked after the game. The same City that had the team coach attacked. Both these events where violent yet sing a song about the dippers, fuck me that's get our MP involved. That's going g crying to our mates in the press/media. Bloody hell.

What hold do lfc have over the press/media, authorities etc. Is it the gangs in liverpool that run the city, do they have something on them ?

It stinks to the core how the dippers always end up being the victims supported by the press/media etc.

Do we get Bradford rammed down our throats which was a terrible accident. The press/media only cover the dippers why ?

Great post mate. I hear you.

On the other hand I love that we have riled them so much they resort to this crap. We’ve beaten them on and off the pitch and now our fans have ‘sung’ their fans into submission too. So much so, they run around crying like a school kid, telling the teacher about some other kid calling them a name! Running round trying to tell anyone who will listen how City fans keep upsetting them. It’s hilarious.
As fans, all we’ve done is taken every opportunity to rub our successes in their faces and remind them that they’re a bunch of c*nts. Pep and Bernardo have helped us wind them up to. It’s been the perfect revenge for that disgusting and unprovoked attack on our players and bus. So I couldn’t care less now about anything we do as fans to them (without violence). Anything we do that annoys them or upsets them, genuinely makes me laugh, because I know we have got to them. Hopefully one of them reads this and gets upset. Come on City.
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Some stats for Dion - not that he would want facts to get in the way of his narrative...

This season before today's games

Bet transfer market had a big brown envelope delivered before production of this.
Source Dippers and Rags.
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