Media thread 2022/23

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Nah, the Graun is firmly on the Nazi side, Frau Apartheid Von der Leyen is their idol, so are the clown Zelenski and the psycho Biden.
Exactly, I’m genuinely surprised by how many don’t understand why, after goals scored, it’s the best metric to quickly see which team were the most dangerous post game. It’s far better than shots taken, shots on target or possession.

It’s not foolproof by any stretch but it’s much better than any other one after the score line.
How does the dippers stats stand up against the rest. You don't want to give them another reason to claim they wuz robbed.
How can anyone compare stats of the Austrian league with those of the Premier and it doesn’t take a statistician to tell me Haaland is a better finisher that Sterling

Is xG also calculated on home or away, or the pressure of a game, the last moment in a cup final or playing a far lesser team in the Carabaou cup when already 5-0 up!
Samaras would have been world class if only taking his Scottish statistics into consideration

And what constitutes an average player? (James Milner excepted) Is this judged on Premier league or all four top divisions in England, or all top divisions in Europe or all professional leagues in the world
What constitutes an average player is the fact it uses the stats of every shot from each distance. It’s literally all stats.

I’m not sure what you find so difficult to work out?

If you don’t think it adds anything then great but stats such as that (and far more boring ones - believe it or not) form a huge part of modern coaching and are certainly the basis for much of modern tactics and certainly rank high up on set pieces, both in terms of attack and defence. City have a huge statistical analysis team in that regard.

Fwiw, you’re on the side of Richard Keys on this subject, which lets me know I’m glad to be on the other side of it.
I've heard Vogon poets get more enthusiastic acclaim than anyone waffling on about xg, including acne ridden spotty nerds such as you.

41 and in ridiculously good shape, I’m just not so old and confused as to be scared on new ways to analyse the game - other than “I think we were unlucky to lose that”.
How does the dippers stats stand up against the rest. You don't want to give them another reason to claim they wuz robbed.
xG shows they’ve been quite lucky this season and that their keeper has managed to keep out 8 goals that should have been expected to be scored, ie they’re lucky to still have a sniff of the CL, however remote that may be, compared with the shite they’ve been producing.
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