Media thread 2022/23

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I read this article and found it relatively interesting but I’d probably say that this history of Britain and our development would probably mean you need to at all City’s for this. Liverpool for example, built on slavery. Many mayors of liverpool during the 18th and 19th century were either traders or descendants of traders. I’m no Liverpool historian but is the liver bird on the badge taken from the liver building? At the docks, the docks that developed as a result of the slave trade, I wonder how far back into the Royal Liver Assurance Company you’d have to go before you found slave links. I don’t want to turn this into whataboutery and turn it into a Liverpool thing (don’t want them thinking they live rent free in our heads) it’s just a prominent example. You could say the same about Bristol?

It seems a bit odd to start looking at badges though, Arsenal’s cannon, Royal armouries at Woolwich, they had a role in subjugating people all over the world and it’s a weapon of war. Where do you draw the line?
I didn’t think the article was too bad to be honest. The past is the past and we can’t change it. We have to own it, the good and bad. Slavery is a horrible practice but I’d guess practically universal (the are still slaves in parts of West Africa for example). Saint Patrick was a slave, Greeks, Romans, Vikings, Ottomans etc were slavers on a gigantic scale, also probably everyone is the Country will have an ancestor who was a slave.
All things considered, I say keep the ship as it’s part of our tradition.
More importantly, come on City and let’s fuck up Bayern Tonight !
On the BBC Sport website there are a couple of articles that may be of interest...

Great Champions League comebacks

and ... Edersons Worst Season.

Amazing stuff...
Here is the last time (before your post) that anyone used the word 'snowflakes' in this thread

It was some time ago, but I'm assuming this is what you are referring to?
not specifically, i was using a catch all term to capture a mood. Sometimes it's 'woke' or 'liberal' or whatever it may be. anyway. It's a load of hot air, perfect for BM!
Basically the Guardian realised they were founded by slaver money.
As part of their supposed mea culpa they have actually decided on a policy of deflection - or ‘whataboutery’ as the likes of Ronay etc are so fond of saying.
This basically involves throwing the entire city of Manchester under the bus. “We were only doing it because everyone in Manchester was at it”
City are just collateral damage. Interesting there is almost zero united perspective in this article.
But then again it is the guardian and it is Hattenstone, the pathetic gobshite and another self hating blue of the type that paper lives to employ (see also Conn).
This is the complete wankstain who publicly disowned City when we were taken over. Then came crawling back when we started winning stuff
not specifically, i was using a catch all term to capture a mood. Sometimes it's 'woke' or 'liberal' or whatever it may be. anyway. It's a load of hot air, perfect for BM!

I didn’t see any outraged. I saw a few contribute & question Guardian motive but no outrage. I think some instinctively think that’s the Guardian having a pop & a few instinctively think people are outraged.
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christ there are some sensitive people on here!! people get so wound up and outraged over fuck all!! it's just some guy thinking about where these things come from. my word. The best bit is how a massively outraged person goes on the offensive about sensitive snowflakes bringing up this that and the other, whilst they themselves getting very red faced about a simple discussion.

You think some **** harping on about what is a cartoon ship and linking MCFC to the slave trade in a national newspaper shouldn't get peoples backs up?

I could understand how people without a link to Manchester would be able to brush it off because it means nothing to them, if he gets shouted down good for him and it isn't "red faced people" acting like snowflakes having an opinion.
I don't think Hattenstone would consider this to be "going after the club".

It's no more about City than it is United, it's no more about the two clubs than it is the Manchester coat of arms.

It brings up plenty of counterpoints, it spends as much time praising the city's solidarity with abolitionists as it does reminding people that the trade being celebrated by the ship was cotton.

It's not a critical piece.

Whenever an article looks at past links to slavery/racism there is a very strange and angry reaction to them - usually the headline - as I doubt people actually read them.
You think some **** harping on about what is a cartoon ship and linking MCFC to the slave trade in a national newspaper shouldn't get peoples backs up?

I could understand how people without a link to Manchester would be able to brush it off because it means nothing to them, if he gets shouted down good for him and it isn't "red faced people" acting like snowflakes having an opinion.


I'm a born and bred proud Manc and the ship means nothing to me (in my general existence), other than i quite like it on our crest.
Personally I don't mind the ship, but wouldn't be that bothered if it changed (I must be one of the few that didn't mind the Eagle either), but why stop at ships.

Arsenal have as a symbol a weapon whose sole purpose is to kill. Canons were used to capture slaves, exterminate indigenous populations, and maintain control of the Empire. Their fans are known as 'Gunners' the people who fired these murder machines. Yet no article about that them.

Personally I think this is just more Guardian navel gazing because of its own Manchester links to slavery. If society deems this is now inappropriate fine, but then let's talk about and analyse the implications of everyone's badge. Guns are bad, pirates were not a bundle of laughs. Etc etc etc.
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