Media thread 2022/23

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I take your point about the Guardian. Unfortunately Sly Sports News does have a lot of (social media) clout, whether we like to admit it or not. Apart from City fans who have stop watching Sly Sports News in their droves, fans of other clubs, especially the red shirt clubs, still watch it and lap up the anti City agenda and narrative.
I think the kids will just party-on whatever, I honestly can’t see Sky being around for that much longer, some the best recent coverage by far has been on the likes of CBS and ESPN and other foreign channels. Sky will go the way of BT Sport. Too parochial, just too old fashioned. It’s like a big comfort blanket for the “history” clubs. (Love your posts btw on Manchester developments, I can hardly recognise place these days !)
Everyone on that picture is "stern looking" and not all of them are connected to us...
There is no context there... it's obviously before kick-off for a start

Naah, it is the evil Sheikh and his henchmen upset because we didn't thrash them 4-0 like we did Liverpool last time he turned up. He will be selling us next week to some US asset-strippers.

In their dreams :)
I don't need convincing, I know.

10am every morning conference. Data and theme teams asking what is hitting the mark and how to build further narrative.

City fans are doing their jobs for them.

Make them accountable, sure, but don't make them relevant.

United sell newspapers, it's certainly not because they play brilliant football.

I've walked away from this shit. 30 years working in an industry which is now dictated by algorithms and people sat reading forums and Twitter.

City fans being socially conditioned to think everyone hates us, based on the lazy tropes and bitterness of self-important spunk bubbles.

Thanks for sharing this mate.

It’s fascinating to get some informed insight on the cesspit that is British journalism in 2023, and highlights exactly why threads like this one, full of links to all the articles and content City fans find so infuriating, are such a self-defeating exercise.

We’re providing the very people and publications we know are cynically twisting the narrative to suit their paymasters, with a handy, bitesize, collated summary of exactly which of their articles are hitting the spot - and which they clearly need to sharpen up and do better on!

Journalism in this country is dead - sacrificed at the altar of clicks and algorithms - and threads like this give the bunch of shills whose job it now is to generate as many clicks as possible the validation they’re doing their job right.

We’re keeping them relevant and in regular work!

You’re better off out of it mate - and you’ve chosen a job and a career that you can actually be proud of. Which has a positive impact on the world, and the people you’ll come into contact with.


I hope you find it rewarding, and feel like you’re making a positive difference to the lives of the kids you’ll be supporting.
Yes I understand how it works (in principle, not being in the industry), I was questioning this statement:

"I am genuinely convinced the most negative detractors of City get most of their engagement (thus exposure and revenue) from Bluemoon and Bluemoon users on Twitter, Reddit, etc."

Whatever the methodology, I find it hard to believe that statement is true in any way, shape or form.
I would never have heard of Delaney, Harris et al if it wasn’t for this thread. They’re just Twitter hacks, and City fans who respond to them are simply increasing their profiles.
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