Media thread 2022/23

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I've not listened to it but I highly suspect that the article is not what you think it is.

It's a podcast by Matthew Syed (I couldn't bring myself to listen to him for 28 minutes).

Centurians. I’m the same as you, don’t care how many recommendations I see I’m not clicking as he makes my skin crawl. The pod should be called snyedways.
I listened to this episode some time ago and can reassure fellow Blue-Mooners that only fleeting reference is made to football at all and, even then, in relation to the increasing use of statistical data by clubs to gain a legitimate advantage over the opposition. Much of the episode focuses on the life of John Hilton, a table tennis player from Manchester, and his meteoric rise from nowhere to European Champion in 1980. I know I'm not selling it but the episode - in common with the whole series - is a brilliant listen. Otherwise, I suspect some lowly dickhead BBC employee thought he was being oh so clever accompanying the trail with the offending image.
I knew John. Just sayin'.
Professional football is and always has been a ruthless business. If you are not good enough - or perceived to be not good enough, which is not quite the same thing - out tossed you will be, and pretty ruthlessly. Ultimately, there is no 'nice' way of doing it.

The same applies (for example) if you want to be a professional musician or ballet dancer, or whatever.
City scouted me for 6 months when i was 11, as did a couple of other clubs. When i failed to grow they all fucked me off. The City scout was the only one to have a chat with my Dad and explain why.

For those kids at City now there is a vast amount of 'other' education they get which surely gives them 'help' if they don't make the grade.
City scouted me for 6 months when i was 11, as did a couple of other clubs. When i failed to grow they all fucked me off. The City scout was the only one to have a chat with my Dad and explain why.

For those kids at City now there is a vast amount of 'other' education they get which surely gives them 'help' if they don't make the grade.
Fair play Stoner, well said matey :-)
Of all the WhatsApp group and other assorted media wankers who read the likely outcome of the CAS hearing all wrong, Evans and Delooney, both of the Independent, got it more drastically wrong than others.
Delooney did his usual of going shopping for an ‘expert’ to confirm his bias, in this case a lawyer who is hopefully now working at Costa Coffee or McDonalds given his dreadful paucity of insight
When @projectriver schooled Delooney, he sniffily as much as asserted that his lawyer chum was correct and Stefan was a typical ‘blinkered crackpot’ blue. That turned out well
Evans meanwhile was essentially a puppet for Rick Parry. He triumphantly stenographed his mate’s belief that we were fucked and boasted that UEFA’s case and portfolio of evidence was robust and watertight
Again that went well. Evans then ignored what he wrote previously, hoped everyone else had forgot, and after two days of hard drinking and tears wrote a scathing tissue of bitter lies in which UEFA’s tactics were blamed
Not once did he consider the possibility that it was a stitch up or that we were innocent all along
Even then he got the non-cooperation fine wrong. Had to be publicly corrected following complaints
No wonder he has been binned
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City scouted me for 6 months when i was 11, as did a couple of other clubs. When i failed to grow they all fucked me off. The City scout was the only one to have a chat with my Dad and explain why.

For those kids at City now there is a vast amount of 'other' education they get which surely gives them 'help' if they don't make the grade.
Bang on.
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