Medical tonight ...

skiddypants said:
Stu how do you know this, Do you work at the medical place or at the booking in process for medicals or for city admin dept. I'm not getting at you but if you let it slip on here everyone would believe you straight away.

Keep me posted though mate because i don't give a monkeys,,I still believe in Santa..

I work for MCFC Sports Science, medicals are not part of my job, but we do help out with analysis of data for medicals and assess BMI
skiddypants said:
Great, Stu you now have my full attention!!

haha well I wont be getting any transfer info so dont get your hopes up, but will keep updated with all things injury/medicals
stu9488 said:
haha well I wont be getting any transfer info so dont get your hopes up, but will keep updated with all things injury/medicals

Thanks for keeping us informed. Now, to move away from this medical malarkey for a minute lets try and make some use of your other potential knowledge. I will asume that you will not go into specifics or to an extent name names but can you shed some light on how the squad members that have returned have adhered to the dietary and fitness regimes that were recommended for them to follow during closed season. If its possible I would also be interested in how Stevie Irelands self imposed training routine is benefiting him and if we have any others that we may not have heard about that look after themselves particularly well without instruction and supervision. Finally do you keep analysis on the squad such as the distances covered in a game on average and recovery rates for each player, if so is their any of that info you may be able to share ?
Hi mate, yes most of that info I know about, but posting it on here is another issue all together, I cant post anything confidential as you will appreciate. Stevie ireland as you are aware does a huge amount of self defence training, we recognise that as "impact training", which will help out fitness immensly, its using almost every muscles in the legs and arms within a short space of time thus giving the muscle a very hard work out without damaging it. That kind of training improves fitness and stamina. Recovery rates are different for each person as we knoe the older you ware the more time recovery from injury or excercise takes. I wont comment on anyone else who trains with different routines, but I will say that a lot of the "bigger" lads do a lot of weightlifting, unsupervised and during the closed season so that when training commences they are physicaly stronger. Diets are very much adhered to, if a player cannot do a certain diet for example due to Religious reasons or if they have a family engagement (where alcohol is likely to be cunsumed) then we work diets around that to ensure fitness is not compremised. Hope this answers some questions.
stu9488 said:
Hi mate, yes most of that info I know about, but posting it on here is another issue all together, I cant post anything confidential as you will appreciate. Stevie ireland as you are aware does a huge amount of self defence training, we recognise that as "impact training", which will help out fitness immensly, its using almost every muscles in the legs and arms within a short space of time thus giving the muscle a very hard work out without damaging it. That kind of training improves fitness and stamina. Recovery rates are different for each person as we knoe the older you ware the more time recovery from injury or excercise takes. I wont comment on anyone else who trains with different routines, but I will say that a lot of the "bigger" lads do a lot of weightlifting, unsupervised and during the closed season so that when training commences they are physicaly stronger. Diets are very much adhered to, if a player cannot do a certain diet for example due to Religious reasons or if they have a family engagement (where alcohol is likely to be cunsumed) then we work diets around that to ensure fitness is not compremised. Hope this answers some questions.

Cheers for that Stu, on the subject of Stevie, why do we allow him to continue the road running and the step runs as shown in his video when it is well documented in the public domain over the problems he has had relating to his knee in the past. Road running and the steps have a devastating long term impact effect on the joints do they not ?
To be honest buddy, road running will only have a negative impact on your knees if your doing long distances every day, he only trains 3-4 hours a day with his mentor if that. Knee troubles are very common with footballers as you will know, theres no porblem with road runnign aslong as the correct equipment and footwear is worn and theres no long distances.

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