Meeting Rag Players & ******* Them Off!

Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

Swales lives said:
Won a competition in the M.E.N - 2 derby tickets at the Swamp - exec seats with free meal and booze.
It was the derby where that c*nt Keane maimed Alfie.

Anyway, me and me brother got there early doors and got stuck into the beer & wine.
Half an hour before kick-off Wilf McGuinness came over to our table and said "Do you want to go out into the crowd to sample the atmosphere?" I said to him "F*ck off this is Old Trafford - there is no f*ckin' atmosphere." and poured another big glass of wine.
He was not pleased.

Brilliant! I once overtook Andy Cole in his Ferrai Spider near Trafford park on the M60, I was in a Nova 1.2 M1 really shit car and the whole thing was shaking at 95 mph then gave him the v's pretty shit story but he did look pissed off. We also followed Giggs for about 10 miles in a jag he ended up losing us in some bizarre Manoeuvre! Fucking Rag fuckers!
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

notreallyhere said:
Devonblue said:
My brother works at pic records in town and

and? and what?? I demand to know!

And a certain Rio Ferdinand likes to pop in now and again for his tunes. One evening just before closing he heard he was approaching the shop so he did the honourable thing and quickly locked the door. Seconds later Mr Ferdinand was banging on the door and pointing at his watch shouting "it's me Rio I've come to buy a load more tunes, and it's not closing time yet, i really need them for tonight" to which our kid replied "the shop is closed" then he heard "do you know who i am?" "yes, that's why we're closed mate"

Did he let him in? did he fuck.

Well done Danny.

Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

And a certain Rio Ferdinand likes to pop in now and again for his tunes. One evening just before closing he heard he was approaching the shop so he did the honourable thing and quickly locked the door. Seconds later Mr Ferdinand was banging on the door and pointing at his watch shouting "it's me Rio I've come to buy a load more tunes, and it's not closing time yet, i really need them for tonight" to which our kid replied "the shop is closed" then he heard "do you know who i am?" "yes, that's why we're closed mate"

Did he let him in? did he fuck.

Well done Danny.


I like.....
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

paddystyle said:
i stole denis irwins coat frrom a pub in dublin and threw it in the liffey,after going through his pockets

a small pool of joyful tears seems to have formed on my desk.

what was the story behind Keane punching that kid a few years back? I heard the kid said something along the lines of "Roy, why are you so Shit?" and that was all it took. LOL. can anyone confirm/elaborate?
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

Lemon said:
daveyboybluemoon said:
You really got those guys good.

I'll bet all their millions weren't any consolation to them.

I wouldn't be surprised if both of them still cry themselves to sleep over it.

Its the small victorys!!!!
Victory?, You spat in a shoe!!!!
Yeah that's pathetic!

you should have curled a log out at the very least
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

Can I just say this is one of the funniest threads I've ever read? Even the ones that aren't particularly imaginative or funny are hilarious (if you know what I mean) because of the spite involved. I love it.
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

that twat keane was walking his dog near a house i was working at and his dog did a shit and the dirty rag didn't 'scoop' it up. so i legged it round the back of the house- got a spade, scooped it up myself and shouted 'oi you dirty bastard, i think this belongs to you' and lobbed it at him.

it narrowly missed him, but hit the dogs tail, which at the time was wagging, which in turn flicked the shit on keane's coat.
i got the sack- but it was worth it.
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

what would you any of you do if you was working on nanis new house that is just in the first stages of being built...?
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

bluemoonrising said:
what would you any of you do if you was working on nanis new house that is just in the first stages of being built...?

bury his team mates in the foundations. then cover them in shit. make a nice smell in a few years.
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

bluemoonrising said:
what would you any of you do if you was working on nanis new house that is just in the first stages of being built...?

Been done before but a good one still.

Buy a cheap pay as you go mobile. Fully charge the battery and wait until the job is closing on completion, with the aid of a sparky leave it on charge and either behind the plasterwork, in the cavity or under the floor. wait a couple of weeks until he has moved in and then ..... well I think you can see where this is going. we did this to a mate that had an extension built and believe me a ringing phone that cant be found can be a hell of a distraction. better still get bluemoon on it as a ringtone and ring all night before matches lol

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