Messi in tunnel bust-up after game?

Is no tunnel cam due to UEFA's rules?


"Look at me, look at me, it's our tunnel now"
Guardiola said it was "impossible" that Arteta and Fernandinho could have been involved in a tunnel row with Messi.
I reckon it's just something the Spanish media invented to draw attention away from the fact that their darling Barcelona got their asses whipped by their former manager.

That said, if Arteta really did call Messi a "Silly boy" and told him to get his ass to the locker room, then, well, that's fucking hilarious.
After all that there's a video of Kun and Messi with a fan after the game and Guardiola said the incident couldn't have happened anyway
After all that there's a video of Kun and Messi with a fan after the game and Guardiola said the incident couldn't have happened anyway

Messi though hardly gave the guy the time of day and just walked off whereas aguero stopped and talked to him.
Messi definitely looked pissed off but there again he would as his team had just been played off the park
As much as I admire him leading the stance against the Argentina media regarding accusations about a team mate smoking cannabis, I think he has been badly advised as they will now simply produce more fake news as to speak.
Not many take on the media and win, good luck Lionel.
So, to recap:

Messi waits around to moan at the officials.

Arteta is celebrating in the tunnel in his home stadium.

Messi tells him not to celebrate in front of them and go to his changing room.

Arteta asks what he's waiting around for and tells him to go get changed.

Messi immediately revokes his demand for Arteta to return to the City changing room and decides instead to challenge him to some sort of 17th century duel, possibly slapping him with a leather glove to assert his articulate, gentlemanly dominance.


My god how I was hoping for tunnel cam footage.

You missed out the bit where Messi went and got a mate to go with him to City's changing room.
I assume that it would have been somebody to carry the bucket that Messi would have stood on in the event of a fight.
I still think that if anything was going on it was before the game, and still think something did. I posted about it a while back, I was stuck at the time that it seemed a bit edgy in the tunnel before the teams walked out. Plenty of citys players seemed to be eyeballing him in the moments before they all walked out. Ive watched it again since just to make sure I didnt dream it and I still think the same thing. Messi was mard and cobbing all game about something

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