Metrolink to / from Etihad

Whenever I walk past the tram after the game there is an horrendous queue but at the far end a “fast track”. Does anyone know what that is? Is it employees of the tram company?
ST holders can purchase a metrolink season card, £74 for adults. There's a few T&C's with it's use but basically it gets you to and from every men's home game for the season ( all comps). Added bonus is the fast track is for the metrolink season card holders, thus avoiding mile long queue.
ST holders can purchase a metrolink season card, £74 for adults. There's a few T&C's with it's use but basically it gets you to and from every men's home game for the season ( all comps). Added bonus is the fast track is for the metrolink season card holders, thus avoiding mile long queue.
Good value if you use metro.
Does it cover Altrincham and Salford Quays
If they ever started building an underground system I doubt they would ever complete it. They would come across so much archeological stuff that progress would be constantly halted whilst the Universities and Museums had a good going over of the finds.
Unfortunately there's a culture that runs through this country of settling for something crap due to cost and this is an example. However, if no tube system existed in London already, I'm sure they'd find the money from somewhere to build one.
Whatever the reasons for it, it's a substandard service and network for a city the size of Manchester. it's rare I go away anywhere and find that the public transport system isn't much, much better than at home.
Good value if you use metro.
Does it cover Altrincham and Salford Quays
The whole network mate. I'm a lone ST holder so suits me. I know there's issues at times on the network and match days can be a pain, but it's good value if the tram's your mode of transport for games.
Unfortunately there's a culture that runs through this country of settling for something crap due to cost and this is an example. However, if no tube system existed in London already, I'm sure they'd find the money from somewhere to build one.
Whatever the reasons for it, it's a substandard service and network for a city the size of Manchester. it's rare I go away anywhere and find that the public transport system isn't much, much better than at home.

Whole country is based around London first. No chance any other City have anything better. Personally I'd rid us of Monarchy and move the UK Republic to Birmingham, followed by a 50 year run of reverse London investment to bring the rest of UK up to their standards.
The whole network mate. I'm a lone ST holder so suits me. I know there's issues at times on the network and match days can be a pain, but it's good value if the tram's your mode of transport for games.
I use the bus and i have no issues with it.
I do not use the tram only because of the queue after the match.
I will definitely look into the season on the trams.
Thank you.
Yes. Every 15 minutes. Normal Sunday service. Have looked on the "Bee Network" app and everything on this and the Eccles to Ashton circuits seem to be double sets.

On one now from Altrincham. Waited 30 minutes and it was full before leaving. They are saying 20 minute intervals but this was longer. Standing room only. Absolutely red hot too.

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