Micah Racially Abused

liamctid said:
Ricster said:
liamctid said:
... what's the JFT96 campaign got to do with some little scrote from Skegness?

They bleat about their self righteousness and how they are owed something, and while i feel sorry for the families who lost loved one's that day, a lot of Liverpool fans play on this, like United fans play on Munich, i will no longer support this due to the racism that Mario received during the match and the racist remark made towards Micah.

There was a thread on the GFF a while back which i was very vocal in my support for Liverpool fans. Not anymore, i will stay mute.

Can you not see the difference between some thick 17 year old who wears the Liverpool badge as some sort of fashion item and real fans who lost their lives at a football match?

Or is that just me?

Yup, but i also know that all Liverpool fans are behind that cause and good on them, but Liam, it wasn't just one 17yo, the Balotelli stuff that was given out, in the ground was just as bad.

I was at Anfield a few season's ago, Samaras put one past the post and we lost 1-0. I took a 6ft inflatable banana and got stopped at the turnstyle by a steward, as soon as i was stopped a policeman came over too. The steward said to me, and i quote "You've come to the wrong ground, Yakuba plays over there" and pointed towards Goodison. The policeman to my disbelief laughed and walked away. then i was let in.

Racism is rife at Anfield and it was only a matter of time before one, actually two of our players were subjected to it.

So until this is stamped out, JFT96 will be recieving no support from me, even though i feel for the families who lost loved ones that day, and believe me, I REALLY DO FEEL FOR THEM.
TCIB said:
The one in the white polo it looks like LongsightM13. Such a handsome fellow.
I knew I'd seen that face before. Just couldn't remember why Bluegrass banjo music kept springing into my mind.

As a Liverpool fan I cannot emphasise how repulsed I am about hearing of this little scumbag's behaviour. However it is in no way a reflection of our general fanbase nor does it reflect on the JFT96 campaign. As for Liverpool fans playing on the Hillsborough disaster, completely unfounded nonsense. Every fanbase has a certain percentage of nobheads and ours is no different. I hope he is banned from Anfield for life if they find out his identity.
This is becoming a huge problem now with Twitter. Not just racial abuse but bullying of all kinds. It's because they're miles and miles away hiding behind a computer and username that some people seem to think it's ok to say this sort of shit. It's created a bunch of internet "hard men" who wouldn't have the bollocks to say this to his face because Micah would fucking destroy him in a second.
RandomJ said:
This is becoming a huge problem now with Twitter. Not just racial abuse but bullying of all kinds. It's because they're miles and miles away hiding behind a computer and username that some people seem to think it's ok to say this sort of shit. It's created a bunch of internet "hard men" who wouldn't have the bollocks to say this to his face because Micah would fucking destroy him in a second.

much the same on this forum sometimes
ob said:
liamctid said:
Yep on Twitter yesterday.

Unfortunatly cannot access Twitter on my PC at the moment as it's "Over capacity" but it was some knob from Skegness who had '94' in his username.

Can't remember his exact words, but he said that Martin Kelly should play for England, inbetween calling him black and saying that he should play for Africa.

I'm not really one for bullying, but I insisted to my followers that he should get all the abuse he deserves.

-- Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:10 pm --

@willmadine94 - his accounts been taken down.

Earlier in his time line he had referred to girls as 'N***** lovers'. Hope he gets whats coming to him.

I reported his posts along with another scrote tweeting about MVF

think he was maddoh88 - name mark doherty

A disgrace to the Doherty name
Just had a look on rawk to see if there's any mention of this or the Balotelli abuse. None. A City fan posted a clip of suarez standing on Kompany's foot then rolling over like he'd been shot. No comments on that either. I've said before that I know a lot of red scouse and they're all ok but rawk is 99% bell-ends.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.thisislincolnshire.co.uk/Racist-abuse-Manchester-City-footballer-s-Twitter/story-13987832-detail/story.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.thisislincolnshire.co.uk/Rac ... story.html</a>

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