Michael Brown

Dobsy said:
Was the rumour at the time that royle got rid because he was a coke head?
I know browny and this could not be further from the truth, a number of reasons why he left but main 2 ones was him and joe royal didn't get on and the club and him recieved a good offer that suited both and that's it

Done well for himself, invested well, nice pad and a nice family

Been on holiday with him a couple of times and he likes a drink but can't take much I can tell you that lol
Manc in London said:
Dobsy said:
Was the rumour at the time that royle got rid because he was a coke head?

Wasn't the decision made to get rid of him because he acted the fool at a club event at The Willows?

I know more about he behaved when at Spurs, although I would not divulge that information on a forum.

Could you pm me that please?
I know it is not to be repeated.
All you need to know about British football. No ability, runs around like a headless chicken and kicks people. Whether it be the top level or sunday league we seem to breed and love this 'player'. Or at least most do, I thought he was shit then, shit since and shit now. Boo? No. Yawn? Yes.
Bilboblue said:
Manc in London said:
Dobsy said:
Was the rumour at the time that royle got rid because he was a coke head?

Wasn't the decision made to get rid of him because he acted the fool at a club event at The Willows?

I know more about he behaved when at Spurs, although I would not divulge that information on a forum.

Could you pm me that please?
I know it is not to be repeated.

willows player of the year do when salford reds turned up? if so NO that was a different player who nearly got us all in a sticky position!
He has been booed and abused when he has played against us before and don't think tomorrow will be any different due to his tenacity.

Don't recall him ever slating City though.
Blue life said:
a number of reasons why he left but main 2 ones was him and joe royal didn't get on and the club and him received a good offer that suited both and that's it

Only Theeze as Bobby would say. (I would also add that he did himself no favours with Royle when he was fully aware the manager didn't like him, but that was mainly the immaturity of any player his age at the time)

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