Michael Johnson.....

geoffchall said:
What surprise me is that the club have left him on the corporate tit for so long. If he's on say £50K/week the club could just pay him £2M in exchange for terminating the contract and giving him the right to go seek a change of fortune elsewhere. This has been open to the club so I can only assume that MJ or his advisers have turned that down. Which means that (a) he doesn't want to try and resuscitate his career at Championship/League One level and would really just live on his fat wedge OR (b) his advisers realise that giving a man of his tastes £2M would be signing a suicide note.
He'd have to be certifiably insane to accept those sort of terms, even if he was interested in resuscitating his career at a lower level, as the club has proven more than willing to allow him out on loan while he earns a nice big wedge.

He's clearly given up on his career as a footballer (for whatever reasons) and is happy to pick up his hefty salary and deal with the consequences of it drying up when it happens.
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
whicko said:
Lee-ManCity said:
just said where did it all go wrong you had the world at your feet. he got off pretty sharpish though

Hope you are proud of yourself you Rag.

Don't get this comment ^^^
Its a bit blunt dont you think? Surely something like 'how are you doing these days' would be more appropriate?
I could use Darren fletcher as an example of a guy who has had to deal with an awful disease (that is seen as a disability) who has worked hard to get back into the game. He could have chucked it all and said Fook it.

Anyway, that article could be the kick in the arse he needs to get back on track because there is sod all wrong with him.
No sympathy whatsoever. As its been said unlike Lakey and Co., who had their careers stolen from them, Johnson has thrown his away. Come the summer he'll either retire or be playing in the Ryman's League.
Tom_mcfc said:
moomba said:
Let him get on with his life and face whatever demons he has. National newspaper effectively taking the piss out of him is hardly going help anyone.

Dubai Blue said:
I hope the person who took that photo is happy now a national newspaper is ripping the piss out of him. Well done, you must be so proud.

Awww yeah your right. Poor johno, shall we have a whip round?

Because all human problems can be summed up by how much money you have can't they?
Seosa said:
No sympathy whatsoever. As its been said unlike Lakey and Co., who had their careers stolen from them, Johnson has thrown his away. Come the summer he'll either retire or be playing in the Ryman's League.

That article indicates he has a season and a half left with us (5 year renewal in 2009)
bobmcfc said:
I could use Darren fletcher as an example of a guy who has had to deal with an awful disease (that is seen as a disability) who has worked hard to get back into the game. He could have chucked it all and said Fook it.
Equally, there are plenty of examples of talented people in numerous fields who never worked hard enough to fully justify the talents they were given. Everyone has different character traits, so you can't just paint a one-solution-fits-all picture. Darren Fletcher obviously has the correct attributes to make a career in professional football work, even in the face of some extreme adversity, while Michael Johnson clearly doesn't. Yes, it's a waste, but it doesn't really necessitate people pointing and laughing at him for being a fat bastard and throwing it all away.
Dubai Blue said:
bobmcfc said:
I could use Darren fletcher as an example of a guy who has had to deal with an awful disease (that is seen as a disability) who has worked hard to get back into the game. He could have chucked it all and said Fook it.
Equally, there are plenty of examples of talented people in numerous fields who never worked hard enough to fully justify the talents they were given. Everyone has different character traits, so you can't just paint a one-solution-fits-all picture. Darren Fletcher obviously has the correct attributes to make a career in professional football work, even in the face of some extreme adversity, while Michael Johnson clearly doesn't. Yes, it's a waste, but it doesn't really necessitate people pointing and laughing at him for being a fat bastard and throwing it all away.

I would never laugh at him, I'm bloody annoyed at him.

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