Michael Johnson.....

Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
I find it difficult to care about someone who looks at his bank statement each month and sees over £100k going in every month!

He will never play for us again.

So money means he is happy. The guy is a **** but you cant not feel sorry for someone because they earn a fair wad. "oh sorry to hear your mum and dad were murdered but look at your bank statement"

Bit of a difference between feeling sorry for someone who had lost someone to murder than lost out on playing football dont you think? I have no time for drink drivers especially thick twats who get caught twice.

I too will be glad when he is off the payroll and personally couldnt give a shit what happens to him.

Thats not what you said though.
I made my views on drink drivers clear I just dont see why everyone brings money in to it. He did not force City to give him a massive contract and in no way does money stop you from having issues
mansour's tow ropes said:
Anyone calling Johnson a **** should read Paul lake's book, then you your attitude towards him may well change
Why? Lakey tried everything he could to get back.
Johnson has boozed himself up to 16 stone and decided he doesn't give a shit if he kills someone drink-driving.
No comparison at all and to suggest so is an insult to Lakey in my opinion
RandomJ said:
Can't wait till his contract is up and he's released so we don't have to have the monthly Johnson thread anymore.

After this I'd hoped thought that City would sack him. Surely they have something in a contract that allows them to dismiss someone for breaking the law in this way.

Johnson of Grange Crescent, Urmston, was fined £3,000 with £400 costs for driving when unfit from drink in May.

For the offence in February – driving after consuming excess alcohol – he was fined another £2,500.

Johnson admitted both offences and was given a three year driving ban on both charges to run concurrently.
isab23502 said:
That looks like an official photo for the MCFC site "Players" section. When are they actually going to change the pictures on there? Does anyone else think it looks a bit crap for a club of our status who have been playing in the new kit for months, to still have all the players' old photos on the site, some of them (ie Johnson) wearing a kit from several years ago? Seems weird to me. Johnson's photo is a bit more flattering to him than the "elephant-size" one from 2009 that is currently on the site and I am quite surprised to see they have even taken a squad photo with him in the new kit on it as I thought he had entered some sort of limbo where he didn't train or play any more. Is there a 2012/2013 squad photo in circulation? Is he on it?

I was thinking all that. I remember at the start of last season they said this section would be completely revamped and it never happened.

Where's the photo from?
Cobwebcat said:
isab23502 said:
That looks like an official photo for the MCFC site "Players" section. When are they actually going to change the pictures on there? Does anyone else think it looks a bit crap for a club of our status who have been playing in the new kit for months, to still have all the players' old photos on the site, some of them (ie Johnson) wearing a kit from several years ago? Seems weird to me. Johnson's photo is a bit more flattering to him than the "elephant-size" one from 2009 that is currently on the site and I am quite surprised to see they have even taken a squad photo with him in the new kit on it as I thought he had entered some sort of limbo where he didn't train or play any more. Is there a 2012/2013 squad photo in circulation? Is he on it?

I was thinking all that. I remember at the start of last season they said this section would be completely revamped and it never happened.

Where's the photo from?


<a class="postlink" href="http://www.skysports.com/football/player/0,19754,11679_309430,00.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.skysports.com/football/playe ... 30,00.html</a>
Photoshoptastic Michael Johnson

Have a look on the Skysports players pages for City - it is rather fun to see that Jonno and Gareth Barry appear to share the same body with an interchangeable head. Whether the body is Jonno's or Baz's or someone else's - or whether the club have a "traditional seaside painting thing with a whole in it" for players to stick their heads through I don't know.
burning blue soul said:
the guy has issues that there is no doubt about.

he has had the chance to be a top international footballer and has seen his chance disappear - the reference to Lakey is very fitting in johno's case. to bounce back again and again after repeated setbacks will test even the most steely of people, again look at what lakey went through.

there is no place for drink driving, but the guy has had to sit and watch his dreams fall into ruins - tell me would you be the same mess? i would!!
Thats when you fight to make sure your dreams dont go up in ruins, as you said, he sat there, he could have put more effort in, stopped the drinking and getting into shit in various bars we've had to read about and do everything he could to get fit again, but it doesnt seem like he did, instead he got pissed and drove on probably more than 2 occasions, he only got caught twice. To put any innocent life at risk from your own selfishness is cowardly and hes a grade A **** for doing it.
milestone said:
Cobwebcat said:
isab23502 said:
That looks like an official photo for the MCFC site "Players" section. When are they actually going to change the pictures on there? Does anyone else think it looks a bit crap for a club of our status who have been playing in the new kit for months, to still have all the players' old photos on the site, some of them (ie Johnson) wearing a kit from several years ago? Seems weird to me. Johnson's photo is a bit more flattering to him than the "elephant-size" one from 2009 that is currently on the site and I am quite surprised to see they have even taken a squad photo with him in the new kit on it as I thought he had entered some sort of limbo where he didn't train or play any more. Is there a 2012/2013 squad photo in circulation? Is he on it?

I was thinking all that. I remember at the start of last season they said this section would be completely revamped and it never happened.

Where's the photo from?


<a class="postlink" href="http://www.skysports.com/football/player/0,19754,11679_309430,00.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.skysports.com/football/playe ... 30,00.html</a>

Ha ha - they have stuck Jonno's head on Gareth Barry's body (check the Barry picture out) - wonder what Jonno's body is really like!
The question is valid, what is he doing? He's a club employee so why doesn't he appear to be training? Have the club written him off to the extent that they say "Stay home, we'll send your wages weekly", rather than making him train ahead of a possible loan move to see out his contract? A real tragic story IMO, not seen many English midfielders with the ability he showed when he broke out... could have at least begun a Gerrard/Lampard level player if he was physically and mentally strong enough.

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