Michael Johnson.....

Kun Aguero said:
milestone said:

Where is he now?

More than likely at Wotherspoons.
I cant believe how much make up he must be wearing since his last olympic outing!
Craggers said:
The cookie monster said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
Anyone calling Johnson a **** should read Paul lake's book, then you your attitude towards him may well change
Is reading paul lakes book going to change my mind on someone who has been caught drink driving Twice

Its very easy to judge a book by its cover!

Have you ever thought there is a reason behind his misdemeanors, like, an underlying issue? The poor lad has been through hell, so unless you are privvy to all the facts, I suggest we cut the lad some serious slack.

The suggestion of reading Paul Lakes book is very appropriate.

I've given the lad slack for years and stuck up for him on here. After the drink driving shit though he can go get fucked as he's nothing more than a scum bag wanker.
Challenger1978 said:
Craggers said:
The cookie monster said:
Is reading paul lakes book going to change my mind on someone who has been caught drink driving Twice

Its very easy to judge a book by its cover!

Have you ever thought there is a reason behind his misdemeanors, like, an underlying issue? The poor lad has been through hell, so unless you are privvy to all the facts, I suggest we cut the lad some serious slack.

The suggestion of reading Paul Lakes book is very appropriate.

I've given the lad slack for years and stuck up for him on here. After the drink driving shit though he can go get fucked as he's nothing more than a scum bag wanker.

Lot of people on here given Johnson stick quite rightly so. I bet that most of the people giving him stick have driven a car whilst over the limit. Just they haven't got caught does that make them any less of a c.u..n.t. Than Johnson
grim up north said:
Challenger1978 said:
Craggers said:
Its very easy to judge a book by its cover!

Have you ever thought there is a reason behind his misdemeanors, like, an underlying issue? The poor lad has been through hell, so unless you are privvy to all the facts, I suggest we cut the lad some serious slack.

The suggestion of reading Paul Lakes book is very appropriate.

I've given the lad slack for years and stuck up for him on here. After the drink driving shit though he can go get fucked as he's nothing more than a scum bag wanker.

Lot of people on here given Johnson stick quite rightly so. I bet that most of the people giving him stick have driven a car whilst over the limit. Just they haven't got caught does that make them any less of a c.u..n.t. Than Johnson

They're cunts to.
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Craggers said:
sir peace frog said:
i knew a lad years ago,a youg pro footballer,got injured just before a big move(wrexham),really good up and coming lad.he got injured,nothing too serious but needed an op,the hospital messed up,his career over,he didnt piss it up the wall,he went to college,got an education,now last i heard hes doing well in accountancy,,got a great wedge compo(not sure how must)

michael johnson was lucky enough to live the dreams of kids worldwide,he got injured which is sad,but did he put everything into getting back ? or did he go for a drink ?

drink driving should carry the tag of attempted murder,everytime you get into a car and drive it pissed,your putting my childrens life at stake,your putting my parents lives at stake,your putting every person in the countrys life at stake.

how anybody can have sympathy for a drink driver is nothing short of mental,what next sympathy for child murderers,because when your pissed driving theres every chance youll hit a kid.

I've not read anywhere people having sympathy for drink drivers. Anyone who gets into a car while under the influence deserves the book throwing at them and in my opinion the law isn't strong enough on drink drivers.

Severe depression effects people in different ways, so to try and compare MJ with your friend isn't a fair comparison, unless you're privvy to all the MJ facts.

You're a grater aren't you????

Firstly you're insinuating you know more than most regarding johnny 5 bellies a) injuries b) his mental state and c) the lad personally........

Well you obviously know fuck all about the lad to start with, he's an arse of the highest order and that comes from knowing him personally. Secondly what the hell do you actually know about his 'depressive' state??? Are you qualified to comment other than you've read he self medicates through jacky daniels????

Oh and he's a ****, has that been mentioned??????
To know him is not to love him then? What's he done to merit that write-up Zim?
We are a football club, not a charity. The time where he could have been great is over, it's sad that it's come to this but I think the club has done enough bar hiring someone to personally stalk him to throw bottles out of his hand. I'd be interested to know what will happen to him after he finally leaves, and I'll always want him to do well, just not on our dime anymore.
milestone said:

Where is he now?

so sad...

Multi millionaire addict whats sad about that?
he had every chance in the world and decided to piss it up against the wall the guy is a fvcking joke of a human being

the only sad thing is he already has enough money to continue this horrible lifestyle until he drinks himself to death

my only hope is he doesn't kill anyone else before that

he should be in prison to save guard innocent people from this addict! he is a serial drink driver and how many other times has he done it and not been caught?

and this spurious defence of his Injuries being an excuse are utter bollox hundreds of players have had their careers finished early and went on to do great things

It was sad for Paul Lake it isn't sad for Johnson it is self inflicted
wayne71 said:
Bluebee2 said:
grim up north said:
there was a comma loads of people been done on one glass of wine I ask again who has not done it
One glass of wine, no chance.

Roughly takes 1 unit an hour to clear your body, so a full bottle of wine finished at 10 pm would be clear by 8 am, 1 large glass of wine (3 units) would be clear by 1 am.

I'm of the opinion anyone can make a mistake once but to get caught twice shows he doesn't give a flying fuck and has probably driven around pissed plenty of times.
I should imagine them who have been caught once have done it before too..
Johnson is a failed footballer and is fast becoming a failure in society as a man, he's made his bed so he can lie in it.

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