Michael Owen and Manchester City

Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
" . . . . . . . . . With the Man of the Match award he says nobody from City has stood out,!"

We had just beaten the league leaders with a superb TEAM performance! But, hey, we're the last to generate any team spirit!

The move which led to the save by Joe from Coutinho, Owen hailed as 'The move of the season'! Yet the move which led to the Negredo goal, which started just outside our penalty area, gets labelled as a Mignolet howler. You could dissect his comments within the context of a match and it would be the most abject mix of ignorance, bias, fuckwittery and general nonsense that would make a colander appear watertight.

I think the only time that a move by us as had a good response by the commentator, is Silva's goal against Arsenal the move was hailed by the commentator as great, yet we score goals as a team with passing from back to front often, we are not there yet as the team they all like, so we will just have to put up with winning.
Owen Hargreaves is the better choice. He hasn't made many appearances for City and was a former United player but he is a bit more balanced than Mr Super Agent MO.
Just cant find it within myself to get worked up about what anyone says about City, I truly couldnt give a fuck. Mostly I'm so intent on watching the game I hardly hear what the fuckwit pundits have to say.

Ignorance is bliss lads ;)
Is there not can option to watch with no commentary ? Just the stadium atmosphere ? I know BBC used to have the facility to switch between the studio commentary and the radio, but for me, I'd like to just watch it like a a fan, at the game, not spend half the time telling Owen to shut the fuck up! as I did yesterday,
I know, I know I should be at the game! But I now live darn sarf, and Wembley and the odd trip up to see family is the only time I get to go to games, I miss just the sound of the fans! you can't beat it....
Bewar3them00n said:
Is there not can option to watch with no commentary ? Just the stadium atmosphere ? I know BBC used to have the facility to switch between the studio commentary and the radio, but for me, I'd like to just watch it like a a fan, at the game, not spend half the time telling Owen to shut the fuck up! as I did yesterday,
I know, I know I should be at the game! But I now live darn sarf, and Wembley and the odd trip up to see family is the only time I get to go to games, I miss just the sound of the fans! you can't beat it....

They soon realised if they did that they wouldn't be able to advertise...sorry remind you about all their other programmes you simply must watch.

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