Michael Owen and Manchester City

I watched it after getting back. Apparently Negredo's shot that Vinny set up "squirmed through".. I don't know what that means.
oakiecokie said:
Paul Lake's Left Knee said:
oakiecokie said:
I think you might have had the sound off !! I watched late last night and overall he was pretty complimentary about the way we play and individual players.

he made snide digs all game, i also watched it late last night and was astounded by his negativity during a thrilling game of football. I'm not one who thinks there is an agenda, just a lack of ex city players as pundits or fans as journos and its only natural that these people go easier on their own than they do other teams.

The problem is that when people already hate someone they cant distinguish between any good that is being said.On numerous occasion he complemented us on various aspects of our game and even made the valid point that when City are in full flow they come at teams from every angle and teams find it very difficult to stop that at The Etihad.If they could play like this way from home,then they would be a real force he said. What`s wrong with that.Of course he had digs about us,but overall he gave us praise.
I suspect you any many just don`t want to hear the positives he gives.Boring twat, most definately but h`e was as no-where as bad as people are making out.

I've just watched the match again and he wasn't as bad as he is being made out to be. Boring and monotonous voice, Swamp Donkey running through him like a stick of rock, but there was a fair amount of balance. Still think the whole meedya were wanting an Arse win to further cement their title credentials.
slightly different track but sky have got souness, carragher and Gerrard as pundits for spurs scouse game - there's balance for you!
bored at work said:
slightly different track but sky have got souness, carragher and Gerrard as pundits for spurs scouse game - there's balance for you!
At least they are being consistently biased.
Always record the match so I can watch it when I get home to see what I missed. But when Owen is on have to turn the sound down. His voice alone goes through me. let alone his stupid shit comments. Why is he a pundit? Thought Jamie Carragher was boring, but Owen is No:1 twat. We must win the prem & hopefully a cup. Just to piss him right off. He must have sleepless nights when we win.
Think when Negredo scored yesterday he said "even he couldn't miss that". To be fair, I think the other commentator then called it a 'fantastic finish' which was a slight exaggeration but still, Owen is such a prick desperate for people to actually remember who the fuck he was. Can't believe the guy won a Balon D'or, he has all the charisma of a dead slug.

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