Middle East Conflict (merged) | Iran launch missile attack after Israel invade Lebanon

So that video I posted is a lie then?

I’ve read that many Jews were protesting yesterday, but I don’t see how that’s relevant. You’ve got good and bad Jews, just like you’ve got good and bad Muslims. Thousands of protestors will have family in Israel and Palestine, jews and muslims should be together asking for peace.

I don’t agree with the theory that the protest yesterday was solely peaceful, like many are claiming, there’s many images and videos that proves that’s not the case. For the record, I don’t believe everything I read on Twitter. But let’s be real, these protests will attract your fair share of hateful people who have no intention of peace.
Let's get back to the "vacuum".

Does peace include stopping settlements in the West Bank? Are a few banners in London really worse than families being uprooted? How "few" people advocating erasing Gaza to allow for Jewish settlements would constitute a "fair share" of hateful people? (And I mean those saying that before 7 October.)

That’s the met asking for information on a few individuals, but you’re kidding yourself if you think that’s just it. The guy with a Hamas is ISIS banner being harassed by protestors isn’t on here. Imagine what was happening off the cameras?

Let’s just end it here anyway, you believe it was peaceful and no hatred was present at the protest. No really arguing against that if that’s what you believe.

of course there was hatred about, I have been on dozens of marches for many things and you always get hangers on of knobends only there to agitate.

And that women in the post is an idiot (she has already been named) Placards get handed out and half the time people don't even think about whats on it, she hasn't got a scooby what that symbol means, likely just that to her she thinks she is calling the Israeli govenment genocidal and far right, She won't know it actually is used by a religous cult or that it was used on a communist party pamphlet on Zionism and imperialism, which is more likely where the idea came from by whatever clown made it.

this is no excuse, as isn't the silly cow with the coconut braverman placard.

Any use of the Hakenkreuz is highly offensive and inflamitary

However 300000 people and you can highlight maybe 20 on vidoe clips, though police have said about 150 pro palestinian marchers were arrested to mass surge on the cenotaph and china town by 100 or so "Lads" with 126 arrests of the stone island army

What is probably 0.002% of a march have been arrsted compared to about a 3rd of the right wing counter protesters who went to London for a fight and were scraping with each other by 11pm, then one march.

Cranks and aggitators always join marches of this size, but it was peaceful and by the large majority unlike around whitehall where it was the majority causing mither
As ever it’s the extremes on both sides, thankfully both tiny minorities that spoil it.

Vast majority looked peaceful to me and I hope over the coming weeks the police arrest and deal with those on the right and left who used yesterday for both violence and to spout their evil bile.
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True mate but I think ours and many others would be a bit more careful when there is a camera in front of their noses. Plus, proper hard men don’t do that much talking.
Pissed up bellends and why the fuck do Cockneys think they have to be ‘more patriotic’ than others?

“I was fucking born here” ffs.
In your opinion, do you truly believe there was only a few people in the protests with no intention of peace? I’m not asking for an argument, just want to hear peoples view. I’ve already been told what I see on Twitter is hate for clicks and it’s lies, which is fair enough.

Seriously, I have no idea what the people in the march were thinking. I am not the thought police. Probably, many of them don't think much of the Israelis at the moment. But let's face it, they are allowed to protest peacefully and they did, using any sensible measure. If some of the protesters committed public order offences by doing, saying or wearing anything they shouldn't then the police can prosecute after the fact. Same with counter-protesters, for that matter.

Seems to me the police did a good job yesterday.

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