Middle East Conflict (merged) | Iran launch missile attack after Israel invade Lebanon

I do wonder how the extremely multicultural crowd you see at the emirates feel watching these wankers represent their club
I know what you mean mate. I was on the approach to Piccadilly station several years ago and had some banter with a group of Arsenal fans. We had beaten them and Samir Nasri had been, generously, awarded MOTM. They were giving it Thursday night Channel 5 and I was cha ting Samir Nasri. The 4 black lads were just up for the banter but there was one white guy who took it all very seriously. It didn’t help when I called him “token”.

Back to the subject. People on social media are trying to get the Arsenal fans on the video to lose their jobs. That’s not something I’d support. I think there’s a decent chance Arsenal FC will pick up on the video though and there could be bans around the corner, if there are season card holders amongst them.

I had to laugh at one of them who did t get the memo, “NO CLUB COLOURS”.
Pissed up bellends and why the fuck do Cockneys think they have to be ‘more patriotic’ than others?

“I was fucking born here” ffs.

What he means is that he's white.

They want Britain (England really) to be white only.
Some don’t but the majority do, one of the biggest problems is their inherent insecurity, and the only thing that will bring their security is a just settlement all this disproportionate force has just made them more insecure, it’s a country on more or less permanent alert, its enemies are growing stronger and it’s support in the wider world is shrinking as new generations come of age
All very fair points. I do understand that the historical and geographical background is bound to make Israelis feel very vulnerable and to want to destroy their enemies while they have massive military superiority.

That said, you could argue the reason they are suffering from terrorism rather than a conventional war is because there is such a huge discrepancy in military power. The fact their enemies are reduced to Terrorist attacks is a sign of Israeli strength and security rather than vulnerability.

By using the full night of their military apparatus against an enemy that has no Air Force, no Air Defences and no tanks in a densely populated civilian areas over such a lengthy period they are making it impossible for Arab States to continue towards normalising relations which they had been doing. Disrupting that progress might even have been the reason for the Hamas terrorist outrage that started this.
Communications between Al-Shifa hospital and the outside world are down. The world has stood by and let what’s going on happen.

This is far bigger than yesterday’s marches that I thought shouldn’t have gone ahead this weekend. That said, the save Palestine March was attended by between 300,000 and 800,000 people and there was probably a couple of hundred people who were up to no good. That’s a rough estimate so maybe 1 in 2,000 wrong uns. It was clearly a largely peaceful march.

Sunak and Braverman try to Demonise the peace marchers but they will be remembered for their silence as healthcare workers, patients and refugees were massacred at Al-Shifa Hospital.
Been reading up on Bravermans background and it seems through her husband she has close links to the IDF so that explains quite a bit.
I mean seriously, how dumb do you have to be to have believed the bullshit so much that you go to 'protect' the cenotaph that was never in danger in the first place?

Did people on here believe it?

Surely they'd just see the march route and see the route was 2 miles away from it?
A bunch of pissed up, coked up knobs singing England till I die and Allah, Allah who the fuck is Allah, was never gonna end well.
That isn't patriotism, watch the current events around the country for rememberence Sunday, that's pride and patriotism.
It genuinely saddens me how people from all sides ( not everyone) have become so ignorant and hateful.
I wish I had an answer to the world's problems, far too many innocent people being killed, maimed and damaged through no fault of there own.

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