Middle East Conflict (merged)

First off, I find it breathtakingly hypocritical, given your outspoken support for Trump who aided and abetted Netanyahu in every way he could, that you could make that statement. But I'll answer it.

Second, the difference is that in 1948, when the partition plan came into effect and the British Mandate ended, Israel declared statehood. Had the Arabs done the same thing the map of the area would be very different (see below). But the Arabs didn't accept the Jewish state and attacked it. Hence we ended up with the pre-1967 borders.

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Third, as I said a few posts ago, there was never any intention to create a separate Palestinian state, even if the Arabs had achieved a complete victory. As far as Egypt, Jordan and Syria were concerned, the land was theirs.

Finally, there actually is a Palestininan state. It's called Jordan, which is a completely fabricated country that never existed prior to 1946. King Abdullah of the Hashemite tribe was a Saudi, who was allowed to set up shop in what was then Transjordan as a reward for his support for the British in the Great Arab Revolt of 1916, which helped overthrow the Ottomans. His brother Faisal, who fought with Lawrence of Arabia, became king of Syria.
Most do not have a clue about the history but are taking sides based on media coverage and deciding who is evil and who is god (yes such images are also doing the rounds).
Most do not have a clue about the history but are taking sides based on media coverage and deciding who is evil and who is god (yes such images are also doing the rounds).
Very human thing to seek to find simplicity in complexity. Much easier to handle the Israel - Palestine issue if you distill it down to star wars morality - good v evil, black and white, and pick a side.
Finkelstein accuses Jews of exploiting the Holocaust.

Because, of course, they all rushed into the gas chambers thinking "There's money in this".

Well, that's one view...

Or he's pouring scorn on Israel after, rightly, reflecting on the suffering of the Jewish people during and since the holocaust only for them to hand a similar suffering and persecution to another set of people without understanding the irony.

Backed by US arms.

This viewpoint is from a Jewish man with, at least, the same direct links to that genocide than most second generation descendants, in my opinion.

If we're moving goal posts, at least try and keep it along the same path.
Well, that's one view...

Or he's pouring scorn on Israel after, rightly, reflecting on the suffering of the Jewish people during and since the holocaust only for them to hand a similar suffering and persecution to another set of people without understanding the irony.

Backed by US arms.

This viewpoint is from a Jewish man with, at least, the same direct links to that genocide than most second generation descendants, in my opinion.

If we're moving goal posts, at least try and keep it along the same path.
Benny Morris is no Israeli apologist. And he thinks Finklestein's work is worthless.

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