Middle East Conflict

Why would a moderate force fill the vacuum left by wiping them out? Surely it would just provoke more grievances and the cycle goes on and on.

If Israel were to marginalise them by improving relations with Fatah and giving them concessions demotivate would be militants from picking up arms for Hamas when the alternative faction gets things done.

You've fallen into the trap that Israel can bully it's way to peace and a resolution. It can't.

Tbf, Israel also can't negotiate its way to peace when there are hostile actors willing to sabotage it all for their own ends. Peace will only come when the sponsors (America for the Israelis and Iran for the paramilitaries) make it happen. And that is a long way off.
Somebody will always post that context free misleading picture to try and justify anything done by Palestinian terror groups. As you say, prior to 1948 there has not been a sovereign entity in that area for centuries. It was land that has belonged to lots of different empires until the establishment of the state of Israel, at which point the West Bank became part of Jordan and Gaza became part of Egypt.
What context would make it less of a problem? And of course it's a context (not justification) for terrorism.

Are you really justifying the ongoing takeover of "Palestinian" homes by illegal settlements?
Tbf, Israel also can't negotiate its way to peace when there are hostile actors willing to sabotage it all for their own ends. Peace will only come when the sponsors (America for the Israelis and Iran for the paramilitaries) make it happen. And that is a long way off.
The bottom line is whether any peace deal (two state or any other) can hold with extremist views on either side. It's Israel's essential security problem. Can we control our own ideological settlers, but if we did, would that really stop terrorism from those who don't accept the existence of Israel?

Analogies are poor, but setting up the Irish Free State was a peace settlement that didn't satisfy everybody.
I know very little about what's historically happened in the area....well I know some stuff but imagine it's just a scratch on the surface.

All war, terrorism etc is wrong, life should be treated as important not as a unit of commodity.

Give or take 99% of the effected by these outbreaks are losers with no control over what happens....some will have been brainwashed over the years to foster hatred.

This is heading for mass starvation on the Gaza and how the 'free' world reacts could shape the future of the Middle East.
When you have to read the constant defending of Hamas and their actions from a thankfully very small minority on here, thank fuck we didn’t vote in their cheerleaders Corbyn and Co is all I can say.
"Corbyn didn't get in because there was a smear campaign about him being an antisemite!!"

Is an excuse often thrown about surrounding Corbyn's failed bid for power, but major factors also included his refusal to publicly condemn the actions of Hamas and Hezbollah. Just look at his most recent 'interview'. Calls for peace, calls for an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine, yet still does not condemn Hamas' actions or the brutality of the terrorists against innocent civilians, DIRECTLY.

A yes or no question "Do you condemn Hamas?" Only goes as far as saying he condemns ALL attacks. That wasn't the question Jezza, and he doesn't answer either. If he had supported Hamas before these attacks happened, surely he cannot defend supporting them now after what they've just done.

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