Middle East Conflict

Not saying she’s right or wrong but curious as to why there are posters unless it’s to fuel anger? It’s not like anyone is going to solve a mystery by saying “they’re in Gaza”

If your going to become fuelled with anger over a missing persons poster - then your clearly someone with an agenda.
Whichever way you look at it the creation of the state of Israel has been a nightmare for the Palestinians. At the turn of the century they lived under Ottoman rule in a ratio of 10 Arabs to 1Jew, By 1947 the ratio was more like 2 to 1. Under the rules of the mandate they were given 47% of Palestine, Israel recieving 53%.
In the war that followed the Palestinian area was reduced to 25%.
Whatever you think about the rights of Jews to have a homeland, you can also see why Palestinians are pissed off.
My sympathy, my tears, my utmost respect and admiration go out to this man and all who think like him on both sides.
I wish this video would be shown in all Friday services on both sides. He is spot on, the people involved have to talk. Especially the extremists on both sides have to talk. All the moderates have been talking for decades, without convincing the extremists.
So how do extremists start talking instead of hating?
If your going to become fuelled with anger over a missing persons poster - then your clearly someone with an agenda.

She clearly was angry and had a pro Palestinian outlook (some may say agenda).

It’s unclear how missing posters in London help find those taken when they are clearly thousands of miles away and not likely to be spotted in Trafalgar Square.
BBC stating that water supplies are running out and that the minimum requirement per day for basic needs is 100 litres per person?

That equates to 176 pints or 22 gallons.

Seems a bloody high amount to me.
I wish this video would be shown in all Friday services on both sides. He is spot on, the people involved have to talk. Especially the extremists on both sides have to talk. All the moderates have been talking for decades, without convincing the extremists.
So how do extremists start talking instead of hating?
I don't honestly think they ever will. They're all too blinded by hatred.

The only workable option is to remove the extremists view from the discussion and have the future for Israel/Palestine worked out by level headed diplomatic personalities whose main focus and goal is peace, not retribution for past grievances. Both states' sovereignty respected, both states recognised, both states with access to the Mediterranean, both states with clear defined borders that aren't segregated but joined. A memorial erected that remembers the victims of the conflict as a reminded of the dark days and ones they both hope never return.

I also think there's more chance of United winning the quadruple this season than that happening, but it's the only way out I can see.
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BBC stating that water supplies are running out and that the minimum requirement per day for basic needs is 100 litres per person?

That equates to 176 pints or 22 gallons.

Seems a bloody high amount to me.
Probably means baths and showers as well as for hydration , washing clothes and cooking

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