Middle East Conflict

A sad and painful story, one of many
, my country counts 2000 of them
and another 5000 wounded
, did you hear that they opened a pregnant woman's stomach and threw out the baby?
New rules as my country not stop until
Solution finds
But can you not see that violence just breeds more violence, as Ghandi said an eye for an eye leaves us both blind

Your need for vengeance (and let’s not pretend) is a base human instinct, but that doesn’t mean it’s good, it’s counterproductive, is this a game of you kill two I’ll kill four, sooner or later there won’t be anyone left standing Israeli or Palestinian

I’ve seen lots of reports about atrocities committed by Hamas, and in no way am I defending them, but they are just a symptom of a much wider problem

Saying all that, I have Israeli friends who think the same as you, it’s easy for me I’m sat in comfort with no external threats to my existence, but that gives the benefit of being able to see the bigger picture

In Northern Ireland the mutual hatred between Uniionists and Nationalists was just as bad (they are still not completely there) but for the sake of the future and the tiredness of all the violence they put down their guns and talked, if they can do it so can the Israelis and Palestinians
But can you not see that violence just breeds more violence, as Ghandi said an eye for an eye leaves us both blind

Your need for vengeance (and let’s not pretend) is a base human instinct, but that doesn’t mean it’s good, it’s counterproductive, is this a game of you kill two I’ll kill four, sooner or later there won’t be anyone left standing Israeli or Palestinian

I’ve seen lots of reports about atrocities committed by Hamas, and in no way am I defending them, but they are just a symptom of a much wider problem

Saying all that, I have Israeli friends who think the same as you, it’s easy for me I’m sat in comfort with no external threats to my existence, but that gives the benefit of being able to see the bigger picture

In Northern Ireland the mutual hatred between Uniionists and Nationalists was just as bad (they are still not completely there) but for the sake of the future and the tiredness of all the violence they put down their guns and talked, if they can do it so can the Israelis and Palestinians
In every conflict there has to be talks and eventual reconciliation, it's the only solution to peace.

I get the feeling the youth on both sides feel that way, a lot of the hate and bitterness comes from the elders.

In this conflict the Arab world has to do far more, the Saudi's and the UAE in particular, they have the wealth and influence to immeasurably change the future for the Palestinians, maybe divert some of the "sports washing" cash into a far more worthy cause and in doing gain huge worldwide respect and thanks.
In this conflict the Arab world has to do far more, the Saudi's and the UAE in particular, they have the wealth and influence to immeasurably change the future for the Palestinians, maybe divert some of the "sports washing" cash into a far more worthy cause and in doing gain huge worldwide respect and thanks.
Both the Saudis, and the UAE drastically reduced funding to the Palastinians a few years ago, seeing it as a financial blackhole where the funding was never appreciated, and more was always expected.
Both the Saudis, and the UAE drastically reduced funding to the Palastinians a few years ago, seeing it as a financial blackhole where the funding was never appreciated, and more was always expected.
Well there clearly needs to be a major rethink, otherwise the Middle east will burn again and spread worldwide.
I’ve got friends who are UK Service men who swear by Al Jazeera. They despise the BBC. I don’t know if Al Jazeera are neutral or not but they have a great reputation for reporting on conflicts.

We still don’t know who was the main culprit re. the hospital bombing. Hamas will consider the situation a media coup as they don’t care about ordinary Gazans. The release of 2 hostages (a drop in the ocean) might suggest Hamas are stepping up the propaganda war.

I heard on the radio that Gaza is days away from serious outbreaks of water born diseases that will have a more devastating impact than rhe bombings. There is no fuel to power the desalination systems.

I often watch Al Jazeera news and programs, much of it excellent but I do think they might not be as neutral in this as they normally would be given the relationship between Qatar and Hamas.

The blockade of Gaza at the start was wrong and I’ve said so many times. You can not justify the cutting off of water, food and medicines and it was a huge error from Israel and a decision that I hope those who made it have to answer for at some point.
It seems odd to question the reporting by some sources due to their funding i.e. Al jazeera. Should the same standard be applied to reporting of other sources i.e. BBC, Sky, Channel 4 etc ?

Or is this standard one sided as well?

Sky news due to its ownership is often questioned.

The BBC is regularly challenged on this very forum.

RT got banned because of its funding and obvious bias.

Regardless of the source, editorially there will always be some form of slant and those in charge and funding it will always have influence.

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