Milner [Merged]

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Ticket For Schalke said:
Lee the Blue said:
The best thing about this transfer going through, and it will go through, is that all the Villa fans will disappear back to their own forums.

We had 4 weeks of Evertonians on here last July/August arguing "he wont go, we will stand firm etc etc" on Lescott and it appears we now have the same thing with Milner.

End of the day Villa need this cash, and the deal will get done, prob for around £25m - personally I dont rate Milner that highly and am not too fussed if he signs or not, but the jungle drums indicate the end is nigh with Milner not featuring in Villa pre-season games and City pretty much mute on the subject, which tends to indicate we are pressing on with it.

Every club "needs cash" but villa are in a healthy position imo.

If they want to bring in any quality new players to their squad then they do need the cash.

Personally if I was them Id snap anyones hand off at anything around £20m for Milner, but they probably will get more out of us unfortunately.
Ticket For Schalke said:
Bart said:
I love how you are so dreamy. We don't have to sell Milner, and we won't unless it's a good offer. And our £ 30 Mill valuation according to the tabloids is obviously isn't exactly what we expect is it. You don't enter negotiations with the price you have in mind, you enter with a much higher price. I'd say we are prepared to sell Milner for £ 20 Million, but since you started bidding like you did it's clear that Lerner sees this as an excellent opportunity for a very good deal. So when you bid £ 20, we push for 30, you give us 25 its just very very good business by Lerner.
I don't really care either way. Milner is ace and I'd love to keep him, but for those money we can improve from what we have now. But I guarantee you Lerner is nobody's woman when it comes to business, he is quite cynical and brilliant about it.

As for MON's comments its simply old news this summer. He has several times admitted that Lerner is doing negotiations this summer with some other American. Normally MON has had 100% control over this stuff, but it looks like Lerner decided to step in after what he saw take place last summer.

tbf mate Randy fell on his fortune, met his dad Al a few times top fella, General C is a much better business man, Russ Appleton is a top man also, is he a director still?

I honestly aren't that clued up when it comes to how the club is organised atm. Randy has brought expertise back and forth for quite som time, but I believe it's Faulkner and some Russel guy who are execs. now.

As for Lerner, he didn't just fall on his fortune though. He is highly educated and done quite well for his family, especially selling out when he did.<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:23 am --<br /><br />
Lee the Blue said:
The best thing about this transfer going through, and it will go through, is that all the Villa fans will disappear back to their own forums.

We had 4 weeks of Evertonians on here last July/August arguing "he wont go, we will stand firm etc etc" on Lescott and it appears we now have the same thing with Milner.

End of the day Villa need this cash, and the deal will get done, prob for around £25m - personally I dont rate Milner that highly and am not too fussed if he signs or not, but the jungle drums indicate the end is nigh with Milner not featuring in Villa pre-season games and City pretty much mute on the subject, which tends to indicate we are pressing on with it.

Where are the Villa fans saying it won't happen?
From Sporting Life transfer centre:

1348: Villa nut 'Cool Hand' Luke Daw reckons he has the inside track at Villa Park. "I've got news on James Milner. A £21m fee has been agreed plus Stephen Ireland. You heard it here first." That flies in the face of what MON was saying this morning, but we'll see.
malkie said:
From Sporting Life transfer centre:

1348: Villa nut 'Cool Hand' Luke Daw reckons he has the inside track at Villa Park. "I've got news on James Milner. A £21m fee has been agreed plus Stephen Ireland. You heard it here first." That flies in the face of what MON was saying this morning, but we'll see.

£21m + Ireland is too much IMO, Ireland would be valued at £8m minimum, think we're being shafted here, if Ireland is involved it should be no more than £15m cash, I understand why players we try to sign are over-valued but why are our players so much under-valued?
If the above proves to be the agreement,then as much as i'd like to see Milner in our shirt,we will have been shafted.MON will be getting a very good player with apoint to prove and the funds to buy at least 3 others.
malkie said:
From Sporting Life transfer centre:

1348: Villa nut 'Cool Hand' Luke Daw reckons he has the inside track at Villa Park. "I've got news on James Milner. A £21m fee has been agreed plus Stephen Ireland. You heard it here first." That flies in the face of what MON was saying this morning, but we'll see.
This lad got any form anyone know?
Milner will pay his hefty transfer fee over time although the temporary onslaught of bitter rival fans and the media will be hard to stomach. I'm quite sure he'd be in for the long haul and become a key player for us, even as many foreigners abandon ship if things aren't going too well. We definitely need some players like this, we can get at least 8-10 good years out of him if he doesn't do a major 180 like Ireland has and lose his consistency. Also, sentimental as it may be, I love seeing as many City players as possible in an England shirt and Milner will be the #1 choice in the midfield not too far off.
malkie said:
From Sporting Life transfer centre:

1348: Villa nut 'Cool Hand' Luke Daw reckons he has the inside track at Villa Park. "I've got news on James Milner. A £21m fee has been agreed plus Stephen Ireland. You heard it here first." That flies in the face of what MON was saying this morning, but we'll see.

haha what aload of shit. We wont go much higher than the 20m we have offered, now its 21m plus a player we rate around the 12m mark.
charliebigspuds said:
malkie said:
From Sporting Life transfer centre:

1348: Villa nut 'Cool Hand' Luke Daw reckons he has the inside track at Villa Park. "I've got news on James Milner. A £21m fee has been agreed plus Stephen Ireland. You heard it here first." That flies in the face of what MON was saying this morning, but we'll see.

£21m + Ireland is too much IMO, Ireland would be valued at £8m minimum, think we're being shafted here, if Ireland is involved it should be no more than £15m cash, I understand why players we try to sign are over-valued but why are our players so much under-valued?

No two ways about it, that would be a shocker of a deal for us, Villa on the other hand would think it was christmas
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