Milner [Merged]

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i like many others, feel we shot ourselves in the foot, offering 20 millions from the outset for milner, what the fcuk were they thinking of, time to walk away from this deal now imo....
dont know if anyone else posted this, if they have apologies, but can any of the villa fans who have been coming here clarify if the rumour going around your end ,apparently MON and milner have fallen out and he refused to play in portugal? as i said sorry if posted elsewhere but thats what some are saying,just wondered if the villa lads on here had heard anything similar
The Fixer said:
Villa rumour the "amicable talks" weren't very amicable Mon and Milner apparently had a fall out and Milner is refusing to play in Portugal.
sounds good fixer??? might push the deal on now then?
richards30 said:
The Fixer said:
Villa rumour the "amicable talks" weren't very amicable Mon and Milner apparently had a fall out and Milner is refusing to play in Portugal.
sounds good fixer??? might push the deal on now then?

Well it's just a rumour mate, but i think we should hear something by the end of the week.
The Fixer said:
richards30 said:
sounds good fixer??? might push the deal on now then?

Well it's just a rumour mate, but i think we should hear something by the end of the week.

By which time we will be one week away from the start of the season. Hurry up.
Matt Diablo said:
some people on here really are fukin clueless... get rid of Ireland, he has been utter shite for a good year now and obviously hasnt got the bollox to deal with serious competition, while Milner is an exceptional pro who is only going to get better and English - sorry when did Ireland win young platyer of the season in the entire Prem. league??!!!

I'd take that deal no probs...people really need to get off their idiotic horse and smell the roses...

-- Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:00 pm --

Ireland_for_pm said:
Same Milner is a far better player than ireland. Ireland has been total shit in pre season aswell but so has everybody else so hes got away with it.

Better change your name mate!!!

Ireland should've won it in 08/09, no way did Young have a better season than him.
blue_soundwave said:
Matt Diablo said:
some people on here really are fukin clueless... get rid of Ireland, he has been utter shite for a good year now and obviously hasnt got the bollox to deal with serious competition, while Milner is an exceptional pro who is only going to get better and English - sorry when did Ireland win young platyer of the season in the entire Prem. league??!!!

I'd take that deal no probs...people really need to get off their idiotic horse and smell the roses...

-- Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:00 pm --

Better change your name mate!!!

Ireland should've won it in 08/09, no way did Young have a better season than him.
lol forgot bout that, thats when he was good. It still dunt change my opinion even though i do look like a dick now.
The Fixer said:
richards30 said:
sounds good fixer??? might push the deal on now then?

Well it's just a rumour mate, but i think we should hear something by the end of the week.

Im guessing they're doing 1 deal at a time, probably moving on to Milner after everything is sorted with Balotelli?
20sbc07 said:
The Fixer said:
Well it's just a rumour mate, but i think we should hear something by the end of the week.

Im guessing they're doing 1 deal at a time, probably moving on to Milner after everything is sorted with Balotelli?

At this rate Milner might make it by the end of Jan.
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