Milner [Merged]

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Big Ned said:
Ireland has already said he's happy to wait until January if necessary. And since Mancini effectively cut his ties by saying Ireland needs to change club it's all down to how stubborn Ireland is vs how stubborn Cook is.

We will not sign Milner this window.

Agreed, but is there a Plan B ?
20sbc07 said:
Im a big Ireland fan and will gutted if he leaves but if all this pay off stuff is true i really dont get it.

Why not just sit down with Ireland and say 'Heres your options, go to Villa and get regular first team football or stay here and sit on the bench. Your choice.'

Because it seems he wants the £, and that's it. If he stays I don't think he'll even make the bench.
We can talk about Ireland all day saying he's a good player and how much we want him to stay or even if he's a better player than Milner but Ireland won't be happy and it's not good to have an unhappy player at a football club. Mancini always says in interviews and press conferences; "if he's not happy then he can go", he said it about Tevez, Bellamy and now Ireland. I'd much rather have Milner over Ireland but now even more so because if we get him, we will have gained a happy, talented player and lost a unhappy, talented player. Just pay his pay-off and get it over with, City! Also, Mancini said on Friday '2-3 days' meaning today or tomorrow. Let's just see!
City are boxed in here. If we play hardball with Ireland - he stays and plays no football - his value drops - less chance of offloading him with a decent fee to a club who will pay decent wages. The compensation problem won't go away

If we pay him the £2m - the other players leaving will want the comp too - they're going to anyway

Conclusion - City will have to pay up - shouldn't have put players on such high wages
if we dont get milner, ireland is a wanker, why does he want 2m anyway, he hasnt done nothing, all hes done as had one good seasona and thats it, why doesnt he just go and then we can get milner!!
dave_blue12 said:
City are boxed in here. If we play hardball with Ireland - he stays and plays no football - his value drops - less chance of offloading him with a decent fee to a club who will pay decent wages. The compensation problem won't go away

If we pay him the £2m - the other players leaving will want the comp too - they're going to anyway

Conclusion - City will have to pay up - shouldn't have put players on such high wages

That is why Cook has to dig in and point blank refuse to pay up !! Set an example to all the other players who will be leaving so next time a chance to ship someout comes along they will know it is pointless trying to hold the club to ransom !!
Can't believe we're gonna get stuck with that tosser Ireland, come on Cookie ship him out and get Jimmy in.
carpenterc said:
if we dont get milner, ireland is a wanker, why does he want 2m anyway, he hasnt done nothing, all hes done as had one good seasona and thats it, why doesnt he just go and then we can get milner!!

Definatly agree with this! When Richard Dunne wanted his loyalty payment it was kind of understandable. He came to the club as a senior player and stayed for almost 10 years, captained the club, went through relegation with us and was effectivley forced out by Hughes. Although I don't agree with loyalty payments its understandable to see why Dunne expected one.
Ireland on the other hand came through our youth system. This means that the club has put hours, days, weeks, months and years into helping him become the player he is. Therefore in my opinion, on reaching the first team he owed us loyalty and not the other way around, since breaking into the first team he has had one incredible season and has been nothing short of piss poor ever since. What exactly has Ireland done to deserve a loyalty payment? To be honest it stinks of a spoilt modern footballer who thinks he is owed the world. I'd never boo a City player, nor would I boo an ex City player because I respect what they have done during their time at the club. However, if and when Ireland is sold I will never applaud on his return against us. Not after this.
I know why dont we just give Ireland SWP instead of the £2M, tell them both to fuck off and start using quality midfielders instead of has been mid table superstars!
Bobbins said:
dave_blue12 said:
City are boxed in here. If we play hardball with Ireland - he stays and plays no football - his value drops - less chance of offloading him with a decent fee to a club who will pay decent wages. The compensation problem won't go away

If we pay him the £2m - the other players leaving will want the comp too - they're going to anyway

Conclusion - City will have to pay up - shouldn't have put players on such high wages

That is why Cook has to dig in and point blank refuse to pay up !! Set an example to all the other players who will be leaving so next time a chance to ship someout comes along they will know it is pointless trying to hold the club to ransom !!

Yes, clearly City should be able to sign players to contracts on high wages, then force them out to clubs that can't afford their wages. Makes perfect sense.
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