Milner [Merged]

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minnesota blue said:
Bobbins said:
That is why Cook has to dig in and point blank refuse to pay up !! Set an example to all the other players who will be leaving so next time a chance to ship someout comes along they will know it is pointless trying to hold the club to ransom !!

Yes, clearly City should be able to sign players to contracts on high wages, then force them out to clubs that can't afford their wages. Makes perfect sense.

Nobody made Ireland sign a contract with high wages and he wouldn't be leaving if he pulle his finger out of his arse and put some effort in. Stevie Ireland is the type of player who only plays well when he is happy. If he is on a downer his football is shit. He has complained in the media a number of times about being dropped or played out of postion but what he doesn't understand is that it is all due to his inept performances. He has been given plenty of chance but is too busy sulking to realise. Fuck him!
minnesota blue said:
Bobbins said:
That is why Cook has to dig in and point blank refuse to pay up !! Set an example to all the other players who will be leaving so next time a chance to ship someout comes along they will know it is pointless trying to hold the club to ransom !!

Yes, clearly City should be able to sign players to contracts on high wages, then force them out to clubs that can't afford their wages. Makes perfect sense.

Dunno why the panic. Ireland will go and without the £2m. There may be a compromise but it will be much smaller than what he is asking for. At then end of the day he cannot risk spending 6 months on the sidelines doing nothing. No decent club would touch him in January IMO as he'd be lacking real match sharpness when they'd need him to have it most. It would take weeks to get up to speed and even then with Stevie you would never know what you're gonna get!!
minnesota blue said:
Bobbins said:
That is why Cook has to dig in and point blank refuse to pay up !! Set an example to all the other players who will be leaving so next time a chance to ship someout comes along they will know it is pointless trying to hold the club to ransom !!

Yes, clearly City should be able to sign players to contracts on high wages, then force them out to clubs that can't afford their wages. Makes perfect sense.

We can afford to play russian roulette.

Ireland - go now, earn decent wages elsewhere without a 2m payout or .....

stay here, we won't even play you in the reserves, take your pay home but run the risk of only 2nd teir clubs being interested in you when your contract ends in 3 years time (or however long it is).

At the end of the day, footballers at this level want super stardom and fame as opposed to a big fat pay check, since they will be getting a 5 figure pay check wherever they play.

However, if City terminate his contract, he is entitled for it to be paid up in full, if he has not asked to move.
minnesota blue said:
Bobbins said:
That is why Cook has to dig in and point blank refuse to pay up !! Set an example to all the other players who will be leaving so next time a chance to ship someout comes along they will know it is pointless trying to hold the club to ransom !!

Yes, clearly City should be able to sign players to contracts on high wages, then force them out to clubs that can't afford their wages. Makes perfect sense.

Then it will all boil down to how much they want to play football !!! Or if they would rather sit on the arces picking up there money !! If they did sit there picking up the money I would have them working thier asses off in the community and local schools in Salford 7 !! A few weeks of that and they will be paying the club to leave !!
dave_blue12 said:
City are boxed in here. If we play hardball with Ireland - he stays and plays no football - his value drops - less chance of offloading him with a decent fee to a club who will pay decent wages. The compensation problem won't go away

If we pay him the £2m - the other players leaving will want the comp too - they're going to anyway

Conclusion - City will have to pay up - shouldn't have put players on such high wages
This is a consequence of our own actions. This is the problem with these 5 year contracts, we only offered Ireland a new 5 years a year ago and now the club want him out.
ste.sully said:
dave_blue12 said:
City are boxed in here. If we play hardball with Ireland - he stays and plays no football - his value drops - less chance of offloading him with a decent fee to a club who will pay decent wages. The compensation problem won't go away

If we pay him the £2m - the other players leaving will want the comp too - they're going to anyway

Conclusion - City will have to pay up - shouldn't have put players on such high wages
This is a consequence of our own actions. This is the problem with these 5 year contracts, we only offered Ireland a new 5 years a year ago and now the club want him out.

I only see it as a problem in situations like this when you want to use the player as part of a transfer. Ireland has a big decision to make here. He can accept that whilst Mancini is is charge his days at City are numbered and move on to a big club with what will still be an outstanding wage package or he can basically advertise to the world that he is a greedy bastard who would rather sit on his arse and take the money than play regular football
I think the last thing the club should do is pay SI the 2mil (if it is true )
It will cost us a lot more in the long run with the other player we try to get out asking for the same if not more.

If SI is asking for to much for is loyalty bonus and wont back down, I say fuck him he does'nt get in the squad and there for does'nt play till January.
Yas we still must pay him every month for nothing but it will send a massage to all the other player now and in the future.

As for Milner, if its fucking up that deal and they will only do it if SI is included and not for cash only, again I say fuck them and move on to another player (theres plenty out there and better for the same price ).
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