Milner [Merged]

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Re: Milner Tackles Shoots & Leaves?

OB1 said:
Is the title of the clip supposed to be ironic or something? In this instance it should be Milner tackles, shoots and leaves? Or even, for emphasis: Milner tackles, shoots, and leaves?
I couldn't find footage of him eating unfortunately - if I could it would have gone on the Standard of Written English thread
Sadly Dr Villian we've had another change of manager and that's what happens, new manager and he brings in his own players. It's nothing new in the world of footie.

Just to add I like the look of that young lad Albrighton, very direct. Hmmmm now where is our cheque book.... :)
Villan, its amazing that you mention the love in for Milner on here after yesterday, because its exactly the same over on Villatalk. Alot of people on here have already regarded Milner very highly. It's one thing changing your mind about another club's player, but for your own fans to start a love in after a pretty harsh summer against him (Especially on Villatalk) after the season he just give you i don't think your in any position to come on here and start talking about that.

As for Bellamy, he was a exceptional performer in some games last season, scoring key goals in key games. But he went missing far too often, not to mention the problems he is reportedly causing for Mancini. Lets just compare the two situations though, we are letting go a 31 year old who just had the best season of his life and will probably never repeat the feat, will be playing less gams every year and will probably spend time throughout the season on the injury table due to his age and his game mainly about his pace. Then look at Villa and your stand out performer last season is reportedly leaving, he is much younger and often touted as a future star of the english game. He is consistant throughout the whole season and has a great attitude. Now you tell me who should be worried...
dave_blue12 said:
Villan said:
Don't think i mentioned our performance other than Milners "good solid performance".

Not cocky neither. West ham on that performance are relegation candidates.

You should check out Villatalk mate - a complete about face on Milner.

Football fans are so fickle - City & Villa are no exceptions

I agree, football fans are fickle, but they can only forge their views on what is printed in the media and seen on the pitch. Villa fans wanted Milner off when Martin said Milly wanted out. No one wants players at a club if they want to be there. However, yesterdays performance showed he is above what has been said and will just get on with it. That sort of player is gold, to play like he did yesterday in the circumstances.

On another note, I am a Villa fan in peace and Villa's most reliable ITK Mysteryman has stated today that the deal will not go through if it is just money, as there is not enough time to replace a player like Milner. Ireland is essential or it is no deal.

This is his quote;

Even if Man City give us 30 million cash instead of Cash and Ireland they are unlikely to let Milner go unless Ireland is part of the deal as there won't be time to find a replacement .

They still would like to keep Milner and they cannot understand why City are messing around on it with the pay off .
Blue Coop said:
Villan, its amazing that you mention the love in for Milner on here after yesterday, because its exactly the same over on Villatalk. Alot of people on here have already regarded Milner very highly. It's one thing changing your mind about another club's player, but for your own fans to start a love in after a pretty harsh summer against him (Especially on Villatalk) after the season he just give you i don't think your in any position to come on here and start talking about that.

As for Bellamy, he was a exceptional performer in some games last season, scoring key goals in key games. But he went missing far too often, not to mention the problems he is reportedly causing for Mancini. Lets just compare the two situations though, we are letting go a 31 year old who just had the best season of his life and will probably never repeat the feat, will be playing less gams every year and will probably spend time throughout the season on the injury table due to his age and his game mainly about his pace. Then look at Villa and your stand out performer last season is reportedly leaving, he is much younger and often touted as a future star of the english game. He is consistant throughout the whole season and has a great attitude. Now you tell me who should be worried...

Great post! Couldnt agree more!
Villan,i think the majority of us,who know a player when we see one,wanted Milner in our team from the beginning of this transfer circus,those that hissed and booed at his possible arrival were/are very much in the minority and are generally clueless antagonists.

As for Bellamy,i adored his talent and effort last season and you are correct,yesterday,he would have been a great option and could have done a very good job for us,however,lets not pretend his inevitable departure is all Mancini's doing,Bellamy has been mouthing off and causing disruption since his bumchum Hughes left,he left a very sour taste in our mouths when he high fived Twitcher at the end of last season,especially given the circumstances and consequences of that game.

It is evident Bellamy is very self important and thinks very little about anyone else,he has engineered this transfer from the moment he spat his dummy out,a real shame as he still has so much to offer,however,ultimately him leaving the club will remove a little more of the negativity and disharmony that has slowly crept in to the team,hopefully,he will soon be someone elses favouite player,at least until he sees his arse again.
I think Milner will give us something different to what we have had for a long time, a box to box midfielder who can score goals but is also versatile enough to play as a holding midfielder or a winger.... Worth every penny!

As for Bellers he pulled a Robinho last year in terms of dazzling us with his pace and ferocious nature however had absolutely no intention to help out defensively. Under Hughes he was allowed to get the ball and do what he wanted with it but when Mancini came in he wants ALL the team to act as a unit and defend to which Bellemy did not like (just like Robinho). I still have nightmares of that last min rag goal at COMS when he neadlessly gave the ball away and Ireland couldnt be arsed tracking back! I think this along with his temprimental attitude are the reasons he is going.
Villan said:
So where are all the doubters? Not that long ago you were bigging up the rest of your squad as better than Milner. Just proves one shit performance from your lot and a good solid performance from Milner and the love fest begins........
That's a bit unfair. I didn't watch the game, but I have seen highlights, and reports, and I wouldn't describe it as shit.

A lot of City fans rate Milner very highly and clearly Mancini does too.

Regarding Lescott, I rate him as our best defender. He lost his place last season due to a bad injury and he has done well to get back. But Kompany and Toure were our best outfield players yesterday despite what Hansen claimed. Bellamy had some good games, but some anonymous games as well. I'd have him in our squad, but only if his attitude is right.

I don't think many City fans expected City to hit the ground running after a pre-season when we have missed a lot of our World Cup players. We played better at Spurs than you have given us credit for, and will only improve.
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