Milner update.

Thank god the board and manager have seen sense. I dont know a single city fan that actually wants Milner even at a sensible price.

Hes worth around £15 million and that is generous, someone needs to explain to Villa and MON that if David Silva is £24 million Yaya Toure is £20 Million and David Villa - the best forward in the world at the moment is £30 million their valuation is beyond ridiculous.

Be very very pleased if we walk from this and leave Villa with an unsettled unhappy player.

I strongly believe we shouldnt have gone as high as £20 million for him even. I dont think hes any better than SWP or AJ on the right wing and hes certainly no better than Ireland and SIlva in the centre. Stupid transfer in the first place move on and buy a better German or Dutch player in that position for half the money. Once we get rid of the dead wood we will be fine with a view to the final 25 man squad anyway we dont need any more average workman like English players.
The Fixer said:
So milner came out and dismissed he's asked to leave, he's obviously not that hooked on coming or he'd have put a official transfer request to progress the negotiations etc

Fcuk him leave him there for me.
i agree with you i think now the only thing left for him to do is hand a transfer request in which i think he will do
the difference between the milner and lescott saga, is that there were concrete rumours Lescott seriously wanted to come to City, Were not so sure how much Milner wants to come
Danamy said:
Does anyone else have deja vu of the Lescott transfer on this one?

it could be all part of the game we dont want to sell him blah blah,we tried to keep him blah blah,player then gets blamed in the end!

price is unjustified if over 20 mill but we have a certain player in the squad that we need!
Danamy said:
Does anyone else have deja vu of the Lescott transfer on this one?
^^^^^This ^^^^^^

And we'll be made out to be the baddies who unsettled a player

We should make them the offer, tell them it's final, and then walk away and leave them to stew on it

£30m my arse
He's good, but not £30m good
Danamy said:
Does anyone else have deja vu of the Lescott transfer on this one?
I was just gonna post this !
Defiantly very similar especially how its being played out in the media.
Bring in krasic who is world class and is the kind of players we should be going for and also his price is not that expensive,not too sure about either johnson or shaun because i don't see them scaring the big teams in the premier league.

Whereas krasic could surely be a real threat against them and like i said 15m pounds is nothing compared to the 20m pounds we are or were ready to pay for milner.
Forzacitizens said:
the difference between the milner and lescott saga, is that there were concrete rumours Lescott seriously wanted to come to City, Were not so sure how much Milner wants to come


Is that possible?


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