blue_bird said:
To be fair, there isn't a lot the ticket office manager can do.
Kevin Parker however, can.
The club allocate the correct amount of tickets for the amount of people that have enough loyalty points. The bit that gets my goat is the way the tickets are distributed.
Speaking of "facts", I can categorically tell you that supporters clubs will order tickets from peoples season cards that have enough points who for whatever reason can't or don't want to go to games like the derby (there's quite a few out there who can't stomach it) and then give them to people who don't have even nearly enough points - even non season ticket holders.
The system isn't flawed - the users are.
This is a great point.
People can talk about supporters clubs distributing tickets, but they do work it on a loyalty points system, and as blue bird said people with enough loyalty points will get a ticket, even if they dont go, and then will be passed to somebody else.
No different from me getting a ticket normally at the ticket office, not wanting to go, then giving it to my mate who only goes to 2 games a season. (I haven't by the way).
People who are complaining, join a supporters club, and see if you get one next year if they distribute them to anyone, i think you will then realise its not as easy as you think.
The big problem this time round i think, as supporters clubs recieved less tickets for this game than in previous years, is how many have been given to corporate.