Mobile phones and driving

Young 'uns do everything on their phones now, you'd have more success banning cars than telling them what to do with their hand held communication devices.

A hooded ferret shot past me on a motorised scooter yesterday at some fair pelt with his head stuck in his phone, and this was on the pavement.
If you are ever driving in London look out for this guy who just cycles all day catching drivers using their phones and sends the info to thr police.

I think that distracting and winding drivers up is a very dangerous thing to do, as seen by the fact he hit the pavement and almost took out a pedestrian crossing the road
For me if you’re caught by the police they should be allowed to confiscate your phone no ifs or buts, you know the rules. If your a business man or self employed then your fucked for been contacted, anyone else all your contacts are gone etc. You get it back once you’ve attended a course or magistrate whichever you choose. Same as if you don’t tax your car etc it’s seized, they wouldn’t do it again I assure you.
Pretty much every car built post 2010 has some sort of car phone speaker now, cant get my head around why you would need to use it like a normal phone
Pretty much every car built post 2010 has some sort of car phone speaker now, cant get my head around why you would need to use it like a normal phone
Because they are texting more than using as a phone these days honestly don’t know how anyone can justify that it’s fucking impossible to be in control of a vehicle whilst doing it
Because they are texting more than using as a phone these days honestly don’t know how anyone can justify that it’s fucking impossible to be in control of a vehicle whilst doing it
Weird if its that urgent just ring them? A lot of things I cant get my head around nowadays
Sat in traffic at a red light. Go to green and the one head down on the phone is oblivious so doesn’t move off. Usually miss the phase because of them.
Just my opinion but behind the wheel you should be 100% focused on driving.
Because they are texting more than using as a phone these days honestly don’t know how anyone can justify that it’s fucking impossible to be in control of a vehicle whilst doing it
Yep. Texting, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitch etc etc. Bluetooth isn’t much help when you want to read something. My car has android auto, and text messages are displayed on the screen. But you still have to take your eyes off the road to read them. Bottom line; if it's that urgent, pull over.

Pretty much every car built post 2010 has some sort of car phone speaker now, cant get my head around why you would need to use it like a normal phone
Nothing pisses me off more ..
I pulled next to some twat last week on his phone at the lights.
I sat with my horn blasting pointing at him till the lights changed.

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