Most Humiliating Defeats

That time my mum handed me a jar of pickles to open. Could I open it? Could I fuck!!!! Tried for a few minutes with my face turning beetroot colour.
I give up and put it down. My wife comes along and pops it right open, not even breaking a sweat.
Obviously, I loosened the lid for her to take the glory.
Yeah mate...thar counts as an proud !
Bury valentines day about 97. Fucking little fishy smelly town Bury beating us at Maine RD.
We just stood gobsmacked in the North Stand thinking WTF. But good old city in those days improved on that for my
worst ever game/result with the York debacle about 18 months later. That was a dark wet afternoon over there
with alot of dark moods on the piss in the pubs after game. Thank fuck for Dickov at Wembley
Easy. Without reference to any earlier posts, losing to Bury at home and Stockport at home in the league are the two worst experiences as a City fan - and I was there when we lost to Luton and drew v Dippers to get relegated.
Anyone who thinks a loss in the QF of the CL is humiliating, after what City have been through the last 30/40 years, wants their head checking.

I have a recurring nightmare that Im stood on a mud bank at Halifax as Lee Hendies Dad is through on goal......
Southampton away Saturday 9th February 2013 17:30 pm ( 3-1 Southampton )

Seem to remember this game being one of the worst performances I've been to!

Dzeko pulled one back to make it 2-1 at half time until a Gareth Barry own goal sealed it for the saints. Pissing down with rain.

Absolutely SHOCKING !
Southampton away Saturday 9th February 2013 17:30 pm ( 3-1 Southampton )

Seem to remember this game being one of the worst performances I've been to!

Dzeko pulled one back to make it 2-1 at half time until a Gareth Barry own goal sealed it for the saints. Pissing down with rain.

Absolutely SHOCKING !

Barry kicking it in his own goal and Joe with a "howler", start of the downhill slide from there...
This 5-1 home league defeat to West Ham back in 1970 was an absolute shocker too .... it was Jimmy Greaves debut game for them, and i was stood in the kippax absolutely shellshocked .... two things to watch out for here , Joe Corrigans face after his misplaced kick had led to their memorable third goal ... and the absolute state of the Maine Road pitch!

i just can't believe it's been fifty years since that game took place , it feels like it was yesterday to me..
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