Most shocking online videos

I've grown a tolerance to sick videos on the internet over time :\ Kinda sick really when you think about it.

One of the first videos I seen that really shocked me was a woman being hanged in baghdad and it disturbed me quite a bit.

I then seen a video of a girl(no older than 15/16) in Iraq being ambushed by a mob of about 20-30 men, dragged into the street, stamped on, stones thrown at her and then having her skull pretty much cracked open by the sick fucks who repeatedly drop a massive cinderblock on her head. It really really shocked me and I felt physically sick and couldn't sleep without thinking about it for a while.

The number one thing that shocks me is the brutality with which women in Middle Eastern Islamic Society are served with in everyday life. It's a complete joke

But recently, a few mates have shown me videos of the really sick shit that was going on in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Libya, etc. and as much as it shocked me, it was more of an eye opener that we really take our civilised society for granted. People like Gaddafi and all the other evil dictators in the Middle East really should be killed in the most unhumane way possible<br /><br />-- Fri May 20, 2011 5:53 pm --<br /><br />Also, has anyone seen the video of the blonde haired girl in like Poland or Russia or something who gleefully tosses a basket of puppies off a cliff to their death one by one?

I actually wanted to murder her.
Jackson-ctid said:
Also, has anyone seen the video of the blonde haired girl in like Poland or Russia or something who gleefully tosses a basket of puppies off a cliff to their death one by one?

I actually wanted to murder her.

that was on here last year. it was filmed on the banks of the danube river but is apparently seen as acceptable in some european countries as a way of getting rid of unwanted litters.
Was sent one last week of a young Muslim girl being stoned to death by a group of Muslim men, the reason apparently she would not go along with an arranged marriage, anyway needless to say she is dead at the end, especially when one of the twats drop a concrete block on her head for good measure, truly sickening and disturbing what is going on in some parts of the world but the press never show places like Iran, Iraq, afganistan for what they really are when it comes to such issues
big blueballs said:
Was sent one last week of a young Muslim girl being stoned to death by a group of Muslim men, the reason apparently she would not go along with an arranged marriage, anyway needless to say she is dead at the end, especially when one of the twats drop a concrete block on her head for good measure, truly sickening and disturbing what is going on in some parts of the world but the press never show places like Iran, Iraq, afganistan for what they really are when it comes to such issues

Yeah that's the one I was talking about, it's actually quite an old video and I read into it a bit...

Apparently what happened was, this girl who was an Iraqi Kurd was having relations with a male who was a Sunni Muslim and she sneaked out of her house to meet him. Members of her community found out about this and she had to flee to a Tribal leader for asylum and while she was in hiding, was told by HER OWN FAMILY that it was safe for her to return home.
While returning home she was ambushed by a group of 300-1,000 men(Source).

Aswad was taken to the town square and although reports at the time alleged that she was stripped of her clothing down to her undergarments to symbolize that she had dishonored her family and religion, During the stoning, which lasted approximately 30 minutes, Aswad can be seen in the video attempting to sit up and calling for help as the crowd taunts her and repeatedly throws a large chunk of rock or concrete on her head. After her death in the town square, Aswad's body was tied behind a car and dragged through the streets. She was buried with the remains of a dog, allegedly to demonstrate that she was worthless. Eventually, her body was "exhumed and sent to the Medico-Legal Institute in Mosul so that tests could be performed to see whether she had died a virgin, results had then come back that confirm that she was in fact still a virgin."

Fucking sickens me.
seen the hammer one when I was 15 as everyone was speaking about it, kept seeing images for ages. And my mate showed me a be-heading which was rough.

The cliff one I see and found the images at the end very shocking and found out the bloke survived but I found it hard to believe.

Also the maniacs that did the "hammer" one also had one where they held some1 down and filled there mouth with glue till they drown in it, they also did this too kittens, they killed alot of people cant remember how many but the sickos were from Ukraine.
sickboyblue said:
One that really shocked me was a football match in (i think) UAE.. Player goes for a header and get a boot on the chin. What happens next is properly horrible.

What happens? I'm not watching it to find out!
When I was younger and trying to download porn from iMesh, I came across a 500kb video. Thinking that it was a 10 second "looper" video, I started the download (I had dial-up then, you kids don't know that you're born with your high-def 2 hour long porn!) with glee.

Turns out that it was a blonde woman tied up in a chair, begging and crying, with the cam a couple of feet in front of her, facing her. I know this sounds daft, but I didn't really have time to think about anything, and before I knew it, a gun creepily appeared from the right and shot her in the temple. This was pretty much the first dodgy thing that I saw, and I admit that it affected my younger self quite badly. I went from shock to anger to disgust, to self loathing, fear and finally determination.

Later, I loosely heard that it might have been a fake video (though it was a bloody good one if it was). It matters not a jot to me. It's not about the realness of it, it's about the systematic brutality that we can submit each other to when we forget our common morality.

I decided never to watch any of these things again. I'm not desensitised to extreme violence and I don't want to be. Desensitivity takes away a fundamental part of your humanity, which is too high of a cost for me. I don't care about the macho tough bullshit you hear, I don't WANT to know just what it is like to see 3 youths smash a guy's skull in with a hammer. Yes, curiosity can be a wonderful thing, but there are limits to it. Curiosity about why leaves are green is fantastic; curiosity about what it is like to jump off of a cliff isn't.

Every single loss of life is a tragedy, whether through violent or natural means. I believe that the first couple of these videos that you watch teach you the true value of human life and shows you the basest desires of our species, as a warning to why we value love so highly. More than a couple of these starts to devalue the lives of humans, into a strange form of entertainment.

It's not something that I particularly want to be a part of.
Godfather said:
sickboyblue said:
One that really shocked me was a football match in (i think) UAE.. Player goes for a header and get a boot on the chin. What happens next is properly horrible.

What happens? I'm not watching it to find out!

It's some 'Angel of Death' thing, he goes mad and starts dancing and having a fit...weird rather than sick or scary.

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